Awaken, My Love

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|| Because we all need a pick me up right now, enjoy ||

Bria's POV
6 Months After Separation

Compared to my first pregnancy with Yara this second time around was memorable to say the least. From nearly dying and being resurrected to Adonis and I getting our shit together, it's been a helluva roller coaster ride. My babies are getting older Yara is now in her terrible twos phase and just loquacious as ever. Her vocabulary is growing daily and she's even picking up some foul language that her daddy and I use which was the norm for us, but we've had to restrict cursing around her because she literally repeats everything we say and do.

Aali is getting better and stronger after his complications as a premie, he no longer had breathing issues and loved to laugh whenever he was with his parents and his uncle Roc. Unlike Yara, Aali was definitely a mommas boy and would even throw a tantrum when he wasn't around me. Adonis tried his hardest to please Aali but the small 5 month-old infant had grown attached to his mom.

Summer was quickly approaching and Adonis and I had been attending couples therapy for three months now to get to the root of all of our issues. There were days where we hated each other because we were slowly uncovering the truth behind the arguments and the lies. We knew that we both loved each other and we were determined to make it work we needed this to heal. This time, not just for the sake of the kids, but because we were tired of hurting each other and had so much more love to give.

Threats from my ex boyfriend had temporarily ceased because we both put a restraining order on his psycho ass. Adonis had verbally threatened him when we both saw him at the mall but knowing Brian that probably ticked him off even more.

Security was with us being that we had the kids and didn't want random fans approaching us while we shopped. We were at a Footlocker because Adonis wanted to buy some new kicks that were just released from the Nike and Jordan summer line. As we browsed through the sneakers, Brian had just walked inside the store boldly not knowing that my husband was with me this time around.

He spotted me on the other side of the store with a smug look on his face, knowing that I didn't like him around me. I put my brave face on and pushed the two seated stroller around closer to Adonis and held onto his bicep protectively. He places a kiss on my forehead and smiles excitedly like a kid in a candy store when he finds a pair of shoes that he had been looking for. He asks a staff member if they had the shoes in his size and watches them walk into the back of the store to grab a pair of shoes.

"You okay?" He asks looking at Bria.

Bria nods her head slowly and reaches up to peck his lips. "You know that average sized, light skinned nigga with the short hair and the grey eyes?" She says, referring to her ex.

Adonis turns around discretely to watch the man who was on the other side of the store looking at a pair of Adidas.

"Yeah why?" Adonis asks confused.

"That's my ex." Bria says loud enough only so that he could hear.

"That bitch ass nigga?" Adonis scoffs loudly, a few women overheard him cursing and looked over towards our direction. An older white lady around her mid 50s looked appalled and turned to walk the other way.

Bria nods, rolling her eyes.

"Why don't we show 'em wassup." Adonis smirks and bends down to kiss her cheek. "I'll be right back." Adonis says walking towards Brian.

Shit what is he about to get himself into. Bria thought to herself.

"Yo, those kicks were out last year, that shit is out of season. Now if you want to go with something fresh get those." Adonis says, pointing to a box that was nearby.

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