Love Child

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That night after we dropped Sandra off we made it back to my hotel suite and we could barely keep our hands off of each other. I could tell that moment by moment he was getting just as excited as I was and it was about to be an interesting night making love with the one and only, Adonis Creed.

As we fell onto the bed after we got our clothes off, Donnie grinned when he saw that I only had on a skimpy G String and nothing else that was underneath my jumpsuit.

"You like what you see?"

"I love what I see." He placed soft sensual kisses across my body leaving a trail of love marks that would soon form into hickeys because of the sweet tender care that he was taking care of me. He slid off my thong, and grabbed my ankles to pull myself into him. He bent down before me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips as he laid down in front of me before sinking his head into my ocean.

His tongue easily found my sensitive areas, which I'm surprised he didn't just dive straight into ass clapping sex. As he continued to lick my pearl, my moans filled the room which seemed to be turning him on even more.

"Fuck, Donnie.."

Within minutes my legs started to convulse underneath him. He held his hands down on my stomach to make sure that I wouldn't move. My moans almost sounded like screams as an unfamiliar wave of intense pleasure hit my body. He made sure to get every single last drop and got off of the bed to grab a condom from his jean pocket.

Donnie then slid down his boxers off, and stepped out of them. His erect well endowed member spring into action.  Unknowingly I bit my tongue and loved it how he looked at me as he put on the condom.

"Can you take it baby?"

I nodded unable to speak as he walked closer towards me and bent down to kiss me. As we softly kissed, I could taste myself on his mouth. As we kissed he easily slid himself inside of me, nearly winding me at the feel of his size.

"Mhnm oh yeah you feel so good Donnie." My face contorted at the immense amount of pleasure that I was feeling. He started off at a slow sensual pace so that I'd be able to get used to his size, but eventually the inside of my walls opened up for him. The sounds of our bodies clapping together turned me on.

"Ooh, Baby you like that? Yeah baby just like that, look at me." He held onto my legs that were soon becoming weak with every thrust that he made.

I could barely speak up as I felt this unbelievable rush of ecstasy throughout my body. Even though we had only known each other for a few hours, It felt like I was making love to a man that I had known my entire life. He was in tune with his emotions and knew the female anatomy as if he were an expert.

If only this moment could last forever.

After we were done, I fell asleep in his arms and listened to his heartbeat after we came back down from our high. While he fell asleep, I silently cried knowing this might be the last time I'd ever see him again.


When I woke up that morning, I was right. He was gone without a trace. No note, nothing just a mind full of memories that would last me an entire lifetime. After laying in bed forever I called Sandra to let her know that I was okay and would meet up with her at her suite after I got dressed for the day. As I got dressed in front of the mirror, I could see that I was covered in hickeys on my neck that he'd left from the night before.

He left his mark on me and I would never forget that night we intimately shared together.

"So, I'm assuming the D was so good that you're fucking depressed now." Sandra joked as she bit into some of her garlic bread.

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