Lets Get Sensual

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Feeling generous today, here's another chapter for y'all.

The current state of my relationship with Donnie has been wonderful.  Lots of fucking and making out in our free time, has helped us hash out our true feelings for each other.  Donnie was a very affectionate man, he just couldn't take his hands or his eyes off me.  It was a refreshing relationship because the feelings were both mutual.  Today would be the first time I'd see Donnie step foot into the gym since his incident with Viktor Drago.   He had always been nervous about returning to the ring since his fight, and often opted out to train with Rocky, afraid history would repeat himself. 

As I stood by the receptionist at the front desk, I turned around when I saw Donnie entering the gym with Yara in her carrier, that was placed around his shoulders.  It was adorable literally watching her hang out her father.

"That is just too adorable my ovaries are exploding." Adrian the receptionist awed.

Donnie greeted a few of his trainers and talked with them for a little bit and walked over towards me to smack my ass and give me a kiss.

"You better stop before Rocky sees."

"Before Rocky sees what?" The two of us turned around to see Rocky holding a stack of papers that he needed to hand to Adrian.

"That you two are together and didn't bother to tell me? How long has this been going on?" He gestured to the two of us.

"Two, almost three weeks? Right Donnie?"

Donnie nodded his head and smiled when he heard Yara laughing watching the boxers train in the ring.

"Yeah, Bria and I are dating now it took her some convincing but we're trying to make it work for Yara's sake.  She deserves to see her two parents both happy and in love."

"I'm proud of you kid, even though you're Mr. Bigshot you can't come see your uncle, I'm glad you're making better decisions.  I wasn't expecting to see you today."

"Honestly, I wasn't either but I came to visit my girl since she works here now." Donnie smiled. 

"Sounds great kid, whenever you're ready to start training again, you know where to find me." Rocky walked off after handing the papers to Adrian for her to file.

Donnie and I then walked in a vacant area of the gym to talk.  "You know he misses you, you should talk with him."

"I don't know..."

"It doesn't have to be about boxing, just talk about why you were upset with him. Rocky doesn't have a lot of time left and I pray that you two hash out whatever hard feelings that you have for each other.  One day you're going to wake up and he won't be here anymore and you're going to wish that you had told him how you truly feel.  Just talk with him, everything's going to be okay." I kissed his cheek.

"I've got to head back to work I'm still on the clock remember?" I chuckled.  "See you later princess." I bent down to kiss Yara on her cheeks, causing her to reveal her wide toothless smile.

Donnie watched Bria walk off to return to work, Yara started to get upset and started crying the moment her mom left her. Her crying became loud and angry because she was irritated from being in the carrier for the past 45 minutes.

Donnie motioned that he'd be able to take care of Yara when Bria started walking back to console Yara. Adonis carefully took her out of her carrier and unclipped the carrier from around him so that he could put it back in her diaper bag.

"Welcome to fatherhood man!" One of the boxers joked when he heard Yara crying in Donnie's arms.

Adonis bounced Yara in his arms trying to calm her down and walk towards the back of the gym so that she wouldn't disturb the other boxers training. After showing her around the smaller vacant space in the gym, she calmed down a little bit but was still crying because she missed her mother.

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