Secrets and Secret Santa

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As the week progressed, Donnie and Bria were back to their normal lives again...somewhat.  In public versus private it was as if they were both living two completely different lives knowing that someone in their small circle was attempting to break them apart.  Tonight was date night per Adonis' request and the two lovebirds were at Chateau Alexandria, a bougie over expensive Italian restaurant which was a popular date night spot for wealthy couples in the area.  As Bria and Adonis walked into the wealthy establishment, all eyes were on them being that they were the only one of the few black people dining in the restaurant at that time. 

"Table for Creed please." Adonis says requesting to be seated promptly from the reservations that he made a week in advance.

The hostess looks on the computer through the list of names that had already pre reserved tables.  Adonis then places his hand on the dip of her hip, and pulls her in close to him.

"Follow me please." The hostess then leads them throughout the chic modern homestyle Italian restaurant, couples dined and conversed around them.  The atmosphere exudes grown and sexy vibes and when the couple finally arrived to their table Adonis helps seat Bria first before sitting down across from the two person table.  Bria politely thanks him as he adjusts himself in his seat, and smiles.

"Can I get you all started off with any drinks? Our house special tonight is classic red wine we also have a selection of imported beers, champagne and cocktails."  The hostess offers. 

Adonis then looks at Bria knowing she usually likes a glass of red wine to pair with her meal, but can't now because of the baby.  He then looks up at the waitress and smiles.  "There will be no alcohol tonight but i would like two glasses of sparkling cider please." Adonis speaks up and picks up the food menu.

"Okay, I'll have that cider out for you and your waitress will be here shortly." The hostess smiles and walks off to get their drinks.

As Bria looks through her menu her eyes widen at how pricy some of the items were. "Babe don't stress out over the prices, get whatever you want." Adonis says chuckling, knowing that she was concerned about the prices.

"Babe, if you wanted authentic Italian we could've just gone to Rocky's and the waiters know our orders already and they would've been free." Bria chuckles and places her hand over her heart. 

"Baby, as much as I love Rocky I wanted to treat you tonight because of the way you've been treated recently.  Which is partially my fault." Bria's eyebrow raises, and looks at him. 

"Okay, it's my fault but Christmas is just a few days away and this is our first Christmas together.  I want this to be a Christmas you'll remember and one for Yara to enjoy as well.   This is a nice ass place there's live music and they're performing holiday classics and love songs and the food here is really good.  Let's just enjoy tonight, it's date night.  Don't worry about hurting my pockets trust me they're good." Adonis reaches across the table and holds onto her hand.

"And you better not order a fucking salad unless it's an appetizer." Adonis says looking dead at her.

"Okay, baby okay I've got you." Bria chuckles and looks over the menu to decide what to order.

Their waitress then returns to their table to hand them their drinks and takes their orders. 

"For starters I'll have the French onion soup, toasted pistachio cheese arancini,  with a Cesar salad and for my entree I would like to have the   Pecorino Ravioli with without the walnuts and Majoram.   I'll come back to order the desert but my husband would like to order."

Adonis looks at me with a shocked expression on his face and laughs almost forgetting what he was going to order.  "I'll have the potato soup for starters oh and can we get some bread for the table?"

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