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The next few days were hell for Bria.  Her morning sickness was in full swing since she found out that she was pregnant.  Adonis had set up an appointment with her OBGYN the next day and was able to get one in that same afternoon.  Her doctor confirmed her pregnancy and gave her sume suggestions of pregnancy vitamins and foods to take during the first trimester of her pregnancy to ensure a healthy mommy and a healthy baby. 

Adonis was ecstatic, he constantly talked Bria's ear off about wanting a baby boy even already giving the unborn baby a nickname CJ, short for Creed Jr. as he so put it.  Bria was currently in the living room with Yara watching her attempt to walk to her spot on the floor with her legs spread apart.  Adonis, held Yara's tiny hands, holding her upright as she stood on her own two feet bouncing up and down to a beat in her head.  The two had been attempting to train the one year old how to walk. 

"You ready baby?" Adonis asks, bending down to kiss her cheek.  "Go to mommy baby, come on baby walk to mommy." He then let's go of her hand watching her balance herself, adjusting her body to standing before making one step, then two steps before falling down to crawl the rest of the way to her momma as she made baby noises.

Bria looks at Adonis smiling, coaching her as she crawled to her.  "There you go baby, there you go!" Yara finally reaches her mom, climbing on top of her lap, sitting upright against her stomach. Bria chuckles and places her hand on her stomach to hold her close.

"Two steps, two whole steps you did a great job today baby girl." Bria praises her daughter, kissing her cheek multiple times causing her to laugh.

"Did you take your vitamins for today?" Adonis asks, leaning his back against seat.

"Yeah, I did I took them this morning." Bria responds, holding her hand out, watching Yara play with her hands while one was in her mouth teething on it.

"Okay, I was just checking." He says, hesitating as if he was thinking. "When do you want to tell everyone about the baby?"

"Well I want to tell close family, Rocky and your mom now.  But honestly everyone else they can wait till after my first trimester.  I need to be in as less stress as possible not only from you but from everybody."

Adonis nods attentively. "Do you still want the wedding in the summer?"

"No, I don't because I'll be nine months by then and I don't want to be pregnant on my wedding day.  It's okay, we don't have to have our ceremony right away.  We already did the big part, which was tying the knot.  The ceremony can wait I'm not pressed to have one I've already married the love of my life." Bria smiles at him and bounces Yara in her leg. 

"Yeah, I figured so you want to hold off on the wedding?" Adonis asks watching Bria nod her head.

"Weddings are just a celebration of tying the knot they're materialistic things.  Yeah of course I still want one but it's okay I'll wait to have mine. I can't have that kind of stress on me right now." Bria sighs, pulling her hair back out of her face.

"I know this pregnancy is...sudden but are you sure you want this?" Adonis asks.

"I am, I'm 100% sure I've wanted this the moment that I found out that I was pregnant." Bria smiles. "You excited to have a baby brother or sister babygirl?" Bria asks her daughter who was currently teething on a toy.

Yara makes baby noises and pats her lap responding to her mother. Bria chuckles at her daughter, and pulls her in close. "Yeah, there you go baby girl, I'll take that as a yes." Bria smiles.

As Bria stood in front of the mirror in a black lingerie set, she could notice the changes that her body had made over the past four months. Since her and Adonis found out that she was pregnant, she loved to take the time to admire the small transformation that her body made every few weeks. She was now four months pregnant, gazing at the small changes that her body had made. She smiled at her small baby bump that was now noticeable.

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