On Thin Ice

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"Uh, I-I have no idea what this is...how did you find this?" Bria asks, zooming in on his iPad to read the headline. 

Bria Creed Spotted Out In NYC with Multi millionaire Kevin Johnson

"Why the fuck are you still seeing this nigga? Is this what you have been doing while you're up in New York?" Adonis asks, confused about the status of their relationship.

"I thought we were working on us Bria but you're already moving on?" He continues to go off on a tangent.

"I was just keeping my options open since you are literally just now taking my feelings into consideration.  Kevin and I are just friends nothing more nothing less. Besides you would believe those rumors over your wife?"

"You know lately you haven't been acting like one." He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"What do you mean I haven't been acting like one?" Bria mocks him.

"You want me to break it down for you? I've been trying to mend our relationship back together on the thin threads that we already have and you're out here seeing some other nigga behind my back. One that was known to have a crush on you back when we were in Jamaica. We haven't had sex in fucking months is this why? Are you fucking him? Bria I swear to God if you're fucking him I will—"

"You will what? Beat his fucking ass so you could end up in jail...we've went out a few times as friends but he's not you. All I've ever wanted was you. I know I'm not perfect and when we met I was a little fast especially because I was drunk but I would never cheat on you and for you to accuse me of cheating has me really fucked up. I don't want to talk about this anymore I just want to go to bed, all we ever do is fight and I'm just tired I'm tired of it D." Bria says while wiping the corner of her eyes and turns off the nightstand before climbing into bed.

"Bria I'm not done talking..."

"Yea, well you already basically concluded that you don't trust me. If you don't trust me then what are we even doing? Playing husband and wife for the sake of our kids? We're only going to end up hurting each other." Bria sniffles with her back facing Donnie and sighs. "Goodnight."


The following day, while Donnie was training Bria had the kids with her at her office in Rocky's gym. While Bria was organizing her filing cabinet Yara sat in a chair preoccupied by her iPad with her children's headphones on listening to a children's audiobook while Aali was asleep in his playpen. She nervously and anxiously tapped her pen on the table as her mind drifted off to her unresolved argument that happened with last night just before bed.

Rocky knocks on the door before entering in her office taking her temporarily out of her thoughts and bringing her back into reality. 

"You get those contracts copied off that I sent you for the next quarter?" Rocky asks, walking inside to drown out the sound from the music blaring in the gym.

"Uh, yes they're done and I have them in this folder." Bria says picking up the manilla folder to hand it to him.

"Listen, thank you for still sticking around to help this old man out around here at the gym.  I know you're doing bigger and better things in New York but I appreciate you for still helping me even though you don't have to." Rocky says in admiration and proud of his niece.

"You know this will always be home.  You gave me a job when no one else did and I am forever grateful.  This is the least that I could do." Bria smiles, and watches Adonis train with Joe through the blinds in her window.

"You and Donnie Okay?" Rocky asks, watching her blink rapidly to compose her thoughts.

"Uh, yeah we're fine ain't nothing new." Bria half smiles and watches Donnie walk behind Rocky with his headphones blaring and takes them off so that he could hear.

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