Unexpected Blessings

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The next morning Bria woke up laying next to  Adonis with her head laying on top of his chest, whose soft snoring sounds were calming to her ears. He protectively held her while he was asleep, and with the firm grip that he had on her, he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. Any subtle movement would wake him up from his slumber. She felt the vibrations of him breathing underneath her ear, and listened to the rhythm of his heart beat which was soothing and comforting to her. She placed her hand on his chest, watching it lowly rise and fall underneath her hand and gently traced circles around his areola which stirred him in his sleep.

She bent down and placed soft fluttering kisses across his upper chest, and poked his perky breasts which were all muscle.

"Stop." He groaned and mumbled with his eyes still closed.

Bria pouted and bought her hand to his cheek to gently hold his face in her hands to annoy him.  She gently squeezed his lips into a duck face which amused her.

"You're not gonna stop are you?" Adonis rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, and his eyes slowly fluttered open adjusting to the morning light which peaked through the curtains.

"Nope," Bria smiled loving the sound of his his husky morning voice.

"I'm up, to give you all of the attention that your hearts desire." Adonis chuckled and leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

Bria deepened the kiss, as his hand slides up her thigh underneath her silk nightgown and grips her ass.  The two suddenly stop when they hear Yara crying on the baby monitor and pull away.  Adonis sighs disappointed that he had to stop.  

"I'll be right back," he bends down to kiss her and gets up out of bed and slips on some sweatpants before he leaves to go get Yara. 

Moments later, Adonis walked in with a clean Yara, who woke up cranky because the diaper that she had on needed to be changed, and walked into the bedroom holding Yara in his arm. 

Bria smiled, now sitting up against the bed post watching the morning news on the flat screen that was positioned directly across the bed.

"Hey babygirl." Bria smiled when she saw Yara in Donnie's arm.  Donnie then sits down on the bed next to her and sits Yara in his lap.

"Mama," Yara cooed and adjusted herself off of Adonis' lap to crawl to her mom.

"Hey mamas, hey mommy's favorite girl.  How did you sleep?" Yara responded trying to talk in her baby language.

"Sounds like she had some good sleep." Adonis chuckled and watched Bria pick her up to hold her in her lap.

"She did she slept like a baby." Bria laughed at her own joke and held onto her hands as her chubby legs were bouncing up and down on her lap.

"I talked to my mom yesterday..." Adonis started up a new conversation.

"You did? How is she?" Bria pretended to care.

"She's fine, she's in Philly wanting to visit me for the weekend, and I talked to her about you two maybe getting together, well the three of us getting together because I hate that you two don't get along. You two are the most important people in my life. I told her if she can't respect you then I'm cutting her out of my life." Adonis looked up at Bria so that she could know that he was serious.

"You want us to meet?"

Adonis nodded. "I'll be with you the entire time because I know she makes you uncomfortable. It's just been too long for you two to still be having issues. I plan on marrying you one day and if she's not acting right then she won't be invited to the wedding."

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