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A Week Later: Dr. Gabriels office

Bria gripped onto the chair at the feeling of slight discomfort in her lower abdomen. "You okay?" Adonis spoke up and walked to her. Her face contorted at the intense sharp pain that she was feeling and Adonis placed his hands on her stomach to try to comfort her.

"Shit," Bria breathed trying to pass through the cramps.

"What's going on do you need anything or? Is this normal?" Adonis asked concerned about Bria's well being.

"Cramping is normal it can just be discomforting because my body is changing." Bria inhaled and exhaled.

The therapist then walked into the room and greeted the couple who was patiently waiting on her return.

"It's nice to finally meet you all I'm Dr. Gabriels and i will be your therapist for the next few months." She sat down in front of them and took her notepad out to take notes.

"Let's start from the beginning, where did you two meet?"

"Adonis and I met roughly two years ago at a club in Vegas after his fight with Dimitri Fisher." Bria stated easing the uneasiness in the room.

"How did he react towards you the first day or time that you met?"

"He was...he was sweet I mean we were both drunk, it's Vegas and it was my birthday and he had just won a fight so we were all pretty lit that night." Bria nervously laughed.

"Describe when you started to notice a change in his behavior after your first encounter."

I hesitated before speaking to think about what I was getting ready to say. "It was the morning after our first night together. We had a one night stand that night and after our encounter he just vanished without a trace and that was the night in which we conceived our first child together."

"I'm going to stop you right there before we move on any further and hear from Adonis. Mr. Creed can you respond as to why you left her after the one night stand?"

Adonis fidgeted in his seat as if he was uncomfortable with this discussion. I then placed my hand over his to bring him at a place where he could be comfortable enough sharing how he felt.

"It's okay." I whispered low and kissed his cheek.

"I don't really think we should be doing this right now I don't wanna stress you or the baby out." Adonis tried to make excuses.

"It's fine, I can take whatever you throw at me."

Adonis sighed trying to calm himself down and spoke up. "What was the question again?"

"It was can you respond as to why you left her after the one night stand?" Dr. Gabriels repeated.

"It was Vegas...I never really intended on seeing her again but I knew I wanted to have sex with her and she was willing and yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah it was a mutual interest in each other that initially bought us together but I didn't expect things to get this far."

"If Bria hadn't found you, would you have pursued her?"

"Probably not," Adonis sighed. "I was fine with the way things were before I had met Bria I was in and out of another toxic relationship with my ex and we had just rekindled our relationship after the night in Vegas so I don't think I ever would've." He admitted.

Bria looked down at her fingernails to try to avoid looking at the psychiatrist.

"It's okay this session is just about the beginning of the relationship so that we can build from there. This is a lot I know but after we get a routine going and you two begin to communicate more things will get easier." The shrink reassured.

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