Hard Ass

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The next few weeks were the longest weeks in my entire existence.  Donnie went back training with Tony, to make sure his endurance, speed, and stamina were ready for his next fight.  Even though we fell out of communication,  I still worried about him and his well being.  Crazy right? To think that you still think about a person who could give two shits about you.

After leaving work, I picked up Yara, who was now six months old, and decided to stop by Rocky's restaurant Maria's.  When I walked in, the place was buzzing for a Thursday night.  As I waited to be seated, Rocky walked back out to the floor carrying two beers to the bar to hand to two customers that were waiting.  He excused himself when he noticed me, and walked through the tables and servers to meet me at the front. 

"Hey Amy, shes with me." He smiled when he saw me.

"But, she doesn't have a reservation and this is one of our busiest nights of the year." Amy responded.

"Did you just talk back and not acknowledge what I was about to say?" Rocky said sternly.

Amy seemed to be at a loss for words.  "I-I..."

"She's family, come on I'll squeeze you in so you won't have to be waiting in the cold." 

"I just figured because she's bla..." she cleared her throat.  "She can't possibly be related to you."

"She's my nephew's girlfriend and I don't owe you an explanation, you're fired.  Tell Jeff to pick up the rest of your shift." Rocky said and guided me to a private table by the window so that we could see the snow that aligned the streets of Philly.

"I'm sorry about her insubordination." Rocky apologized.

"You handled it well I had my daughter so I couldn't beat the bitches ass anyway so that'll suffice." I smiled and took Yara out of her car seat who was now up.

"She's getting really big, she's beautiful she looks just like you." Rocky admired and played with her tiny hand. 

"Really? I think she looks more like her father.  She's got his dimples that's for sure." I chuckled. 

"She favors both of you really.  She has your thick curly hair and rich skin.  His dimples, big lips, your nose, his eyes.  She's a masterpiece of a creation." He smiled trying to cheer me up.

"Thank God she doesn't have his big ass head." The two of us busted out laughing. 

"She got blessed with that one." He laughed.

"Why'd you tell that lady that I was Adonis girlfriend? He doesn't talk to me, he hasn't in weeks.  He only calls to see his daughter while he's training and then it's just a hi and bye." I shrugged. 

"He still thinks highly of you I'm sure.  At least you're still in contact with him.  Ever since we got into a fight about this Drago kid he shut me out.  He claims he 'has to defend his name'.  He's already the heavyweight champion of the world what more could you want?"

"Are you scared Roc?"

"Call me 'Unc' kid, and to be honest I don't want history to repeat itself.  History is taught so that we can prevent things from happening again and this kid is hardheaded...my nephew, just like his father was and I don't want to loose him the same way." Rocky looked down sadly. 

I placed my hand over his, gently caressing it to comfort him.  "Sometimes you have to learn the hard way, you've done your best in trying to deter him away from this fight but his mind is made up unfortunately."

He scratched the side of his face and sighed.  "Thankfully this will all be over soon," there was a slight pause before he continued again. "Can I hold her?" 

"Of course." I smiled and carefully handed off Yara to him.  She cheesed when she saw her Uncle revealing her million dollar toothless smile and giggled when she heard him talking to her in his husky Italian accent. 

"You take care of your momma okay? She needs you the most right now.   Daddy's going to need you too but he's being a hard-ass." Yara giggled at him when he was making fun of her dad.

She had on her tiny baby mittens that were attached to each other and smiled when she was playing with him.  Her brown, thick onesie was designed as if she was a baby bear, which  looked so cute on her even though Donnie laughed at me when I got it, back when we were in LA.  

While I sat down and ate, Rocky fed Yara her bottle and let me eat in peace.  After conversing for two more hours we eventually left and arrived back home to wind down for the night. As I walked down the hall to my apartment complex a nice looking young man with chocolate brown skin and thick eyebrows caught my attention.  I held Yara's car seat in one hand with two to go plates that Rocky got me for the free, and my purse.  He saw me struggling at the bottom of the steps and placed his groceries down and asked me from the top of the stairs if I needed help, which I so desperately needed.

"Excuse me? Do you need any help?"

I nodded up and down.  "Yeah, I could use two extra hands." I breathed heavily from my tired walk to the third floor.

He then walked down to the bottom step and helped me grab my food and asked for permission to grab the car seat. I nodded yes, and carefully watched him walk up the stairs and wait for me to reach the top floor.  He followed me to my apartment, which was adjacent from his, and unlocked my door to put several things down. 

He then handed me my baby and placed the bag of food down next to the doorway.

"Thank you, that was really kind of you."

"It's no problem really, it's common curtesy.  Or at least it should be when you see a woman in need." He chuckled. 

"Did you just move here?" I asked, starting up a conversation.

"No, I was just helping my friend across the hallway who just got groceries I don't stay here.  I'm visiting."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you.  I'm Bria." I offered my hand to shake.

"I'm Jacob it's nice to meet you as well. I hope I see you around." He started to walk off.  

"Wait.." before he started walking back, he turned around anticipating what I was about to say.  "Could I get to know you?" I timidly asked.

"I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend but you'll be fine you're beautiful." He encouraged and waved off. 

"She's a lucky woman." I mumbled and closed the door and locked it before getting ready for the next day.

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