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Later that evening it was hard for Bria to focus on the wedding reception.  Nick had tried to talk to her but was pushed away by her friends and her family who attended the wedding.   As she sat with Adonis, he could sense that something was upsetting her but he didn't want to impose so he left it alone. 

When the two arrived back home after the wedding reception, Bria sighed and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes wanting to hurry up to get to bed.  She was not only mentally drained but emotionally as well.  Her incident with Nick helped her realize that no matter how much you care about people you can never be too close, you'll end up getting your feelings hurt in the long run. 

After helping Adonis change out of his clothes and changing for bed, she carefully wrapped up her hair for the night and placed her bonnet on and carefully got into bed.  She turned the baby monitor on next to her nightstand and exhaled excited about finally being able to relax. 

Adonis was sitting up in bed watching ESPN to see what they were talking about regarding his fight with Dimitri Fisher nearly three weeks ago. 

"Listen, Listen Jeff Adonis Creed has shown time and time again what he can bring to the table.  It's clear that boxing is in his blood Creed has won his past several fights and reigned in as the undefeated heavyweight champion.  We've seen what damage he could've done to Fisher, at his last fight with Viktor Drago in that knock out.   So I can understand why Fisher chickened out and took the cheap way out. Creed isn't anyone to mess with.  When you fight Creed you've got to bring your A game and what Fisher did was a low blow."

"A literal low blow to the man's rib cage the illegal call that caused the refs and the officials to forfeit the match.  The question is, are fans ready to see an honest fight between the two contenders?"

"I don't think they are, in fact can we at least let Creed heal before we want to ring in another match?" The announcer laughed.

"Why do you watch that stuff before bed?" Bria sat on her side and placed her hand on his chest, gently caressing his skin. 

"Its out of habit but it's literally all the sports world has been talking about since the officials forfeited the fight." Adonis responded, never taking his eyes off of the TV.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel better.  Stiff, but better." He lightly smiled and looked up at her.  "The way you were looking during the second half of dinner, it looked like something was bothering you.  Why didn't you tell me what was bothering you?"

"Because with the situation that was bothering me...I didn't know how you would react and usually you're a hot head."

Adonis gave Bria a look as if he knew it weren't true but it was.

"It can't be that bad, baby just tell me what's wrong." He pried pulling her close to him.

Bria sighed and looked down at her engagement ring and gathered up enough courage to tell Donnie what had happened.  "During the reception, Nick had asked me if he wanted to talk so I said okay, thinking it was just going to be just us chilling you know, but uh later on, in our conversation I don't know what provoked him but he kissed me." Bria looked into his eyes and continued recalling what had happened.

"I resisted and slapped him, cursing him that I did not want him to be around me anymore and thankfully I won't ever have to see him after Sandra's wedding.  But uh, Joe saw the entire incident or part of it I think, and he stopped me afterwards and he thought that I had kissed him and I made him promise that he'd let me tell you.  That's what happened I'm being open and honest with you.  I would never lie to you and I don't have a reason to lie to you, just please forgive me for letting my guard down with someone who I thought was actually my friend. "

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