Drunk in Love

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As Donnie was in the shower, he let the water from the shower head cascade down his body relaxing and soothing his muscles from his intense workout before Bria got home.  Bria carefully walked into the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her frame and let the towel fall down before walking into shower while Donnie was inside.  She carefully slid the glass door behind her and walked towards him wrapping her arms around his neck as he backed up against the wall. 

"You still mad at me?" He asked and slid his hands down to her waist while the other hand squeezed her ass. 

"No, just a little upset..but yeah I forgive you.  I just wish you would've told me that you were posting Yara today so I could mentally prepare for everyone and by everyone I mean the gossip sites and the blogs reposting her and talking about her and us.  I forgive you. It took a lot for you to admit that to me, and I commend you for that 'cause you could've just never told me." Bria admitted.

"Just don't pull that shit again." She pointed towards him as he chuckled as he bent down to kiss her on the lips.

"Scouts honor." He smiled as he promised and captured her lips with his again deepening the kiss. While in each other's embrace, he softly moaned at the feeling of being in her arms again.

"How much time do we have till your dad gets here to pick up Yara for the weekend?" Donnie asked while smacking my ass.

"20-30 minutes tops, why?" Bria asked and placed her hands on his bare chest. He nodded as if he was counting something in his head.

"I only need five to get you to your climax." he lifted Bria up carefully as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and held onto his neck and shoulders for support, as he easily slid inside of her, causing to moan out with each thrust. She shrieked at the feeling of him being inside of her again and rested her head on his shoulder while he continued to hit her g-spot.

True to his word, Donnie was able to get us both there within five minutes and by the time we were done we looked at each other panting from what just happened. He just smirked realizing that I could barely walk after I reached for my wash cloth to clean my body off.

"Here you want me to—"

"No, no if you wash me off I promise you we'll never make it out with your boys and their girlfriends we'll just stay here and fuck."

"You know I have no problem with that." He lathered his washcloth with more soap to finish cleaning the rest of his body.

"I know you don't but my pussy needs a break."

"You know I was actually going to be ready for some bomb ass make up sex when we get back but if you're not for it then." He shrugged.

"We fucked like twice already today, I think tonight I could use a breather my poor vagina is so sore." I whined watching him step out of the shower to dry himself off.

"I'll give you a break baby but it's not my fault I have a high sex drive and to be honest you do too." Donnie pointed towards me while I turned the faucet off and walked towards him to get my towel and dry off.

"Yeah...I get horny when I'm around you and i swear I've never been this way around anyone. It's just something about you that i just can't get enough of and I'm glad to call you mine even though you're an asshole, you're a cute asshole." I admitted and hung my towel up to dry so that I could lather my body.

After changing and getting dressed, I walked down to Yara's room to pack up a few outfits and made sure her diaper bag was fully stocked with diapers, baby wipes, bottles, and baby formula enough to last her through the weekend and a little more just in case.

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