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"I can't believe we are actually married...holy shit, this just hit me like a ton of bricks. " Bria sits up, holding the sheet that was covering her nude chest.

"Are you regretting it?" Adonis asks, pulling her in by her waist.

"No, I'm not I just can't believe that I'm a married woman, with an incredibly handsome husband, and a beautiful daughter who looks just like you." Bria smiles, placing her hand on his chest.

"Everything happened so fast this morning I-I didn't get a chance to grasp it all." She truthfully admits.

"Well, I don't know about you but today is the best day of my fucking life." He smiles, and kisses her cheek multiple times before pulling away.

"Mine too, you're a godsend. Thank you for putting up with me and all of my shit. I love you." Bria smiles, placing her hand on his chin, pulling him into her lips.

Adonis then wraps his arms around her body, pulling her on top of him as he deepens the kiss. She giggles through his kiss, loving the way his tongue felt in her mouth. He then helps her move her braids out of the way and pulls away so that he could admire her.

"I love you." He professes his love for her and wipes away a stray tear with his thumb that had slid down her cheek.


"You're What?!" Sandra screamed excitedly on the phone, causing Bria to pull the phone away from her ear so that she wouldn't damage her ear drums.

The two best friends were currently on the phone catching up as if they hadn't talked in forever, forever being Sandra's wedding. It was now two days after Bria and Adonis tied the knot.

"No, no way you're fucking with me aren't you?" Sandra asked, in denial after hearing her best friend tied the knot without her.

"I'm not, I'm deadass." Bria chuckles.

"Oh my God, you're going to make me cry." She said, sniffling getting emotional for her best friend.

"Please don't cause I'm gonna cry too and I don't want to ruin my beat face." Bria chuckles.

"Awe my baby, when I get back from my honeymoon we're definitely celebrating I'm so happy for you! I am shocked I definitely was not expecting ing this."

"Thank you boo, we're going to keep this news just between immediate family until the wedding in the summer though so please keep this under wraps."

"I got you boo, don't worry. So who's idea was it to get hitched?" She asked.

"It was actually Adonis' idea to get married so soon. We had a small ceremony at the dad, Yara, and Rocky were there. They were the only people that knew and that we wanted them at our small intimate ceremony. You know if you weren't on your honeymoon I would've invited you."

"I know you would've, I just feel like I missed out on such an important day." Sandra sighs.

"I know, but you better not miss out on my wedding." Bria says jokingly but was dead serious.

"Never that!" Sandra responds, the two burst into a fit of laughter.

"Jay, stop it I'm on the phone." Sandra giggles, directing her attention towards Jay.

"I'll call you later, hubby wants another round."

"Woah, TMI just call me later bye love!" Bria hangs up the phone moments later.

After hanging up the phone, Bria holds her hand to her stomach not really feeling good. She looks on her phone at her calendar to see when her last period was. She does the calculation on her head and feels nauseated just thinking about being pregnant.

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