The Mourning After

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The upcoming days following the miscarriage Bria questioned her relationship with Adonis.  Was it really worth being under all of this stress? She often isolated herself from Adonis and only spent her time with Yara in her room to take her mind off of things. Her world shattered, Adonis often didn't return home and stayed at friend's houses or with Rocky to avoid seeing Bria causing her to feel alone and abandoned during this difficult time. 

As Bria was sitting in the rocking chair in Yara's nursery, holding her in her arms while she calmed down after her meal, she picked up her phone and called Adonis wondering where he was.  His cellphone went straight to voicemail for the fifth time, so once again she left another message for him to come home.

"Hey baby, I don't know where you are or what you're doing...but I hope you get this message." Bria hesitated and continued.  "You're hurting I know, it's hard it really is hard but I need you to come home I can't do his on my own." Bria sniffled.  "I need you and you just can't run away from your problems because you have a family now and we need you.  Please call me Adonis I miss you."

Bria hung up the phone moments later, feeling alone in the house that she once shared with her boyfriend.

Back at Rocky's gym, Adonis was the last person in the gym taking his anger out on a punching bag.  Rocky just left his office to close up for the night and locked the door on his way out.  He could hear music blasting coming from Adonis' Beats pill speaker and walked out to the main floor where he saw him angrily doing combinations that he went over during his practice today.

"Hey kid shouldn't you be going home?" Rocky asked, concerned about the well being of his nephew. 

"Bria's fine she's with the baby. I don't have anything to worry about." Adonis shrugged and held onto the punching bag so that he could take a break. 

"You're gonna over exert yourself kid." Rocky observed his nephew as he continued to repeat the combinations.

"Please just take a break you've been here for three days straight I think it's time you go home.  I'm kicking you out until you get your shit together."

Adonis groaned.  "Are you serious right now Unc?"

"Yeah Im so serious." He mocked. "You've got a girlfriend and a daughter who needs you right now and you're being fucking selfish. It's not just you anymore you've got to get your shit together, go home Adonis. Get your shit out of my locker room and go home."

Adonis sighed and walked away to put his things away in his duffle bag so that he could leave and go home.

"Happy now?" He patted the sweat down his body with his towel until he'd be able to get a shower.

"I don't want to see you or Bria here for the next few weeks. You need to give yourselves time to mourn together and when you come back you'll be better than ever. Get your shit together, call me if you need anything." Rocky walked out of the gym with Adonis and locked up before walking to check on his late night staff at the restaurant.

Once Adonis got in his car to head home, he pulled out his phone to see a few missed calls and voicemails from Bria. His phone grazed over her contact number to call her back but changed his mind to listen to her voicemail.

"Hey baby, I don't know where you are or what you're doing...but I hope you get this message." Bria hesitated and continued.  "You're hurting I know, it's hard it really is hard but I need you to come home I can't do his on my own." Bria sniffled.  "I need you and you just can't run away from your problems because you have a family now and we need you.  Please call me Adonis I miss you."

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