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As Bria opened her gifts she watched Adonis who was off in the distance talking with Terrence and Bianca.  She didn't know why her comment triggered his anger but she had to put on a happy face for her guests even though all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and cry.  She smiled as she opened her last gift from Mary Anne, when she saw that it was Adonis' favorite stuffed animal when he was a child.  A stray tear fell from her eye and smiled from the gift that she received and hugged Mary Anne. 

The baby shower was now wrapping up and Adonis and Bria thanked their guests for coming out to celebrate their baby who was on the way.  As the men loaded up the car with Bria's gifts, Bria sat at the table eating a slice of her cake wallowing in on how shitty she felt because of Adonis' attitude.

Sandra had made her way back with a slice of cake on a plate and sat down next to her best friend who looked melancholy.  She playfully nudges her shoulder to get her attention and smiles. 

"That was a beautiful baby shower wasn't it?  Tops my first one, but uh I helped plan this one did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, it was beautiful...I just wish I could've fully enjoyed it without Adonis' attitude." Bria says and eats another small piece of her cake.

"What did this nigga do now?" Sandra asks, and rolls her eyes. 

"We got into a fight right before...I mentioned the other baby shower, the one we had for Yara but, I mentioned how he was absent and that triggered something in him and he wouldn't even let me explain."

"Something is bothering him...I don't know what it is but I thought you guys made so much progress..." Sandra gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"I thought so too, I'm just not feeling good as is and now with his shitty attitude doesn't make it any better." Bria watches Adonis walk back towards her and stands in front of her, he picks up his coat off of the chair and puts it on.

"You ready to go?" He asks, and picks up his phone off of the table along with his keys.


"Alright well the car is waiting." Adonis replies, and watches Sandra help her best friend up who was adjusting to the extra weight that she put on.

Once she was up, she puts on her coat and places her hand on Adonis' back, wondering why he was short tempered.

Sandra observes the two's body language as the three of them leave the reception hall and shakes her head, not really feeling Adonis and the way that he was treating her best friend.

Adonis and Bria had finally arrived home, Bria then walks upstairs to pack up Yara's clothes and bottles that she would need for the next few days, being that Sandra agreed to take care of Yara while Adonis and her figured their shit out. Adonis stood in the doorframe, leaning against the banister texting his manager going over his itinerary for his next big fight. Bria went through her duffle bag one last time before zipping it up and picked up her diaper bag to head downstairs before the two would leave with her baby girl.

Yara, held onto her Uncle Jay nearly half asleep and sucked on her pacifier which was soothing her gums. Bria kisses her cheek repeatedly, causing her to smile who looked just like her daddy's and whispered loving words into her ear before she would go.

"Be a good girl for auntie Sandy and Uncle Jay for me Okay? Mommy loves you so so so much." She cooed into her ear.

"Where's Adonis?" Jay asked, noticing that he wasn't present.

"Oh he's taking care of something..." Bria clears her throat and hands Sandra her over night bag and diaper bag.

"Everything that she needs is right in there, if you have any questions or anything don't hesitate to call me okay?"

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