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Three Months Later

Since Bria's near death experience on the operating table, she decided that the best thing for the both of them right now would be some time apart for emotional healing this time, the right way.  Aali was recently released from the hospital and now at a healthy eight pounds and four ounces with no more breathing irregularities.  She promised herself in her new venture to find herself that she would need to stay away from Adonis while she was healing.  This time not only emotionally and mentally, but physically as well.

She hesitated as she sat in the car with Jay on the passenger side and looked at the three story Spanish style home from inside of the car. 

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Jay asks, sensing that she was nervous to step foot inside of the house.

"No," Bria sighs and continues.  "I'll be fine I've just got to pick up a few things for my stay at you and Sandra's place which I genuinely thank you for letting me stay with you all while I get my shit together."

"It's no problem, I'll look after this little guy while you get some things for your extended stay." Jay looks back in the car to see Aali asleep with his tiny mittens on that matched his onesie. 

"Alright, I'll be back." Bria smiles and grabs her purse before heading out of the car.

Once she unlocks the door, she hears talking and laughter throughout the living room. She then closes the door behind her and makes her way to the living room to see Adonis playing with Yara and Bianca. 

"Hey," Bria clears her throat.

"Mommy!" Yara yells and gets up from Bianca's lap to run up to her.  Bria then picks up Yara and kisses her repeatedly across her face. 

"Hey babygirl hows mommy's favorite girl? Hu?" Bria giggles and holds onto Yara. 

"Good, Mommy I love you!" Yara hugs onto her mom.

"Mommy loves you too." Bria fixes her hair and kisses her cheek.

"Sweetie why don't you play with Bianca for me okay? Mommy has to grab a few things from upstairs." Bria kisses her forehead and watches her slither out of her arms. 

"Okay mommy," Yara says and walks back over to where Bianca was. Bria then rolls her eyes at Adonis and walks back upstairs to pack up as much as she could in her suitcase.

Once in her closet, she takes a few tops and pants off of hangers and folds them haphazardly upset that Adonis was still seeing Bianca behind her back.  She then hears footsteps coming from behind her and sighs as she stuffs her duffle bag with her favorite clothes. She sniffles, upset over this entire situation. 

"Baby," Adonis says and watching her frantically put her clothes in her suitcase. 

She ignores him, not wanting to deal with him anymore.


"What?" She angrily says and continues, "Adonis I really don't want to hear anything from you right now, I just came for my things and you've got Bianca over here playing mommy? Forget it."

"She's just helping me with Yara that's all." Adonis admits truthfully because he was struggling with her hair earlier.

"And you couldn't have called my dad? Terrance? Joe? Even your mother, I trust them around my daughter, not her." She then gets up and pushes him out of her way as she walks into the kitchen to grab a her toiletries from underneath her side of the sink.

"It's not what it looks like," Adonis stands in front of her blocking her from moving.

"Hmn, Just move out of my way before I slap you." Bria threatens.  "Trust me, I wouldn't mind slapping the shit out of you right now."

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