Fight Night

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Whenever Donnie fought, I was always nervous for him.  We were now in Vegas for his highly anticipated fight with Viktor Drago, son of the infamous boxer Ivan Drago, who killed his father in a fight nearly 30 years before. I had left Yara as home with my father because this would be too much for a six month old.  My legs couldn't stop nervously shaking.  I had a beer in my hands to calm down my nerves, but that couldn't stop my anxiety from going through the roof. 

Donnie was in full on fight mode, he excused the trainers so that it would be just us.  When they left, he looked at me and could see the worry on my face. 

"I know you're scared.." He trailed.

"I'm literally about to shit myself from these nerves." I took a swig of my beer. "You okay? Did you take a shit?"

He nodded.   "I'm fine as long as you're here in my corner." 

I looked down and placed my hand on his chest, feeling the silk fabrics of his robe and rested my head against his. 

"Don't be afraid to stop the fight if you need to.  I'll be with you the entire time, Okay?"  I reassured.

He bent down to kiss me on the lips and deepened it as soon as he got a taste. 

His crew walked back in as soon a it was time to go, Donnie placed his hand over mine, which was on his cheek and smiled. 

"We've got this." He reassured and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Alright you two, you can be boo'd up all you want to after the fight.  Drago's in the ring now and it's time to do the intro."  Tony stated.

"I'll be ringside the entire time.  You've got this." I placed another kiss on his cheek before I walked out of the dressing room to walk back into the arena. 

I knew Rocky was watching, so I sent him a quick text: "You okay?"

Uncle Rocky 🥊: Kid, I'm okay how's Donnie?

"Still being a hard ass." I texted back.  "He's fine but he's nervous I can tell."

Uncle Rocky 🥊it's in God's hands now


Throughout the night I kept my mind occupied by thinking about my family and Yara.  Donnie was getting hit bad, and Drago didn't have a scratch on him.  It was the fifth round of the sparring match and Donnie looked over exerted and exhausted. His eye was badly swollen and bruises started to form on his lower rib cage. 

The officials started the next round, Donnie went in for a right hand uppercut combo exposing his rib cage.  Drago ducked his swing, held onto him to prevent his jabs, and proceeded to punch him in his rib cage causing Donnie to scream out in pain.  His vision began to be blurred from the pain that he was in, and from his bruised eye.  Before he could catch his breath on the way down, Drago sucker punched him across his face knocking Donnie out cold. 

There was a wave of silence throughout the arena, even the commentators were in shock afraid that history would repeat itself.  The ref had counted to ten but Adonis still remained lifeless on the cold, hard mat. I screamed out for Donnie, rushing my way through the crowd of people and paramedics that were helping him.  I climbed through the ropes to see if he was okay, praying in my head that it would just be a mild concussion and a few broken ribs that took him out. 

As soon as paramedics were able to find a pulse, they helped him onto a stretcher to take him to the hospital. 

"Bria, I think you should go." Tony suggested.

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