Mutual Feelings

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A month later.

After a long day at my new job at Rocky's gym, I finally returned home excited to just be able to wind down and spend time with Donnie and my daughter.  I closed the door to the side and walked along the hallway to the living room to hear Donnie in the living room talking with someone.  The two voices got quiet as soon as I walked into the living room.  I was relieved when I saw my dad sitting on the opposite side of Donnie strapping Yara in her car seat. She had her tiny mittens and hat on that matched her pink onesie and got excited when she saw me walk in.

"Well this is a surprise, hey dad." I walked over to him and placed a kiss on his forehead.  "What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking Yara for the night."

"Wait, why?"

"That's where I come in." Donnie walked up to me and pulled me close to him. 

"I think it's about time we go on a date don't you think?" He bent down to kiss me. 

"What do you mean? Like a date date?" I asked not believing him.

"Yeah, so your dad is taking Yara for the night and I was hoping that tonight it would be just us." He whispered that last part in my ear.  "Besides after everything you've done for me I think you deserve to treated like the queen you are."

"That's my cue to leave. Be safe, let me know if you need anything Bria.  Yara say bye bye to mommy." He got up and turned the car seat around so that I could see that she was asleep.  I bent down to gently kiss her on her cheek.

"I'll let you know if we ever need anything, be safe.  Text me when you get home." I said as I watched him walk out of the house with Yara and her diaper bag.

"You actually got my dad to baby sit? What were you two talking about? And what exactly do you have up your sleeve Adonis Creed?" I crossed my arms and watched him walk towards me to hold onto my sides.

"You have a lot of questions don't you?" He chuckled and pulled me into him by my hips.

"Because I'm fully healed, i would like for us to go on a date and treat you because you honestly deserve it. You were there with me every step of the way while I was in pain and at the hospital." He hesitated, as I looked down unconvinced that he truly had feelings for me.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for Yara. I didn't fucking forget how you treated me before you were in a coma. What, you finally got some sense knocked into you? Is that what this shit is?" I raised my voice, and rubbed my face in frustration.

"You have always been mean to me and I know I'm lonely but I don't want someone who's been a fuckboy they're guaranteed to do it again 9 times out of ten."

"So, you being nice to me...that was all for Yara and you weren't expecting anything in return? Like this house, or those clothes that you're wearing. You claim that I'm a 'fuckboy' but yet you're still here."

He sighed and continued, "Just please let me treat you for tonight and if your feelings about me change in the morning then we move on and still be cordial towards each other."

I contemplated on going out with him and caved in by the slow sensual circles that he was kneading into my sides. "Okay, I'll go out with you. Is there any particular attire that I should wear for tonight?"

He sighed in relief and kissed my cheek. "Everything you need is in your room when you get upstairs. From clothes, shoes to a private make up artist waiting on you to get ready. I'll be waiting for you downstairs when you're ready. I hope you enjoy tonight im extremely grateful for you." He releases my sides and stepped aside to let me walk up the stairs to the room.

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