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The following morning, Bria woke up excitedly hitting Adonis while he slept.  She then hopped on him as if she was riding him, and bent down to shower him with kisses not caring about their morning breath.  Adonis groans in his sleep and grips onto her thigh, still tired from the lack of sleep from before and rubs the sleepiness out of his eyes. 

Adonis' eyes finally flutter open.  Bria smiles and hops off of him now that he was up.  "Today's the big day! Our wedding day!" Bria sang excitedly. 

"I'm going to get a shower and do my hair and makeup your barber called and said that he'd be here in twenty minutes so I suggest you get your ass up and get ready if you wanna get a shape up before we get married.  Rocky and Dad will be here soon, I called them this morning while I was up early excited for today.  I'm going to hop in the shower and change into something casual but stylish to go to the courthouse." Bria smiled and walked to her side of the bathroom and started brushing her teeth to get ready for the day.

"I'm coming," Adonis rubbed his eyes and slowly gets out of bed, slipping on his slides on the way to the bathroom.  He then follows Bria in freshening up. 

After the two got dressed, Adonis walks downstairs to answer the door to see his barber and his assistant at the door to trim and style his hair.  He greeted them, thanking them for this last minute appointment.  His assistant held his clothes that he would wear once he was ready and placed the wardrobe on the chair when he made his way in.  After settling in, he sat in the kitchen with his barber listening to the sounds of the razor and Luther Vandross playing throughout the house.

Meanwhile, Bria had changed and did her makeup at her vanity.   She then got her daughter ready, once she was finished, feeding her and putting on a cute pink and white dress after her bath.  Bria then puts on a pair of church booties to cover her feet.  Once she was done, she then walks downstairs with Yara in her arm and could see that Adonis was just now wrapping up his hair appointment with her barber.  Her father and Rocky were waiting in the kitchen eating some fresh fruit out of a bowl that was sitting on the counter.

When he notices her, he smiles, tracing the length of his jaw taking her all in. 

"You ready baby?" Bria smiles and walks up to him to kiss him. 

"Yeah, I'm ready I've just got to grab my shoes and change into my wardrobe I'm almost ready though."

"Dada," Yara starts talking to him gesturing that she wants him to hold her.

"Daddy's got to get changed baby girl, I'll be right back okay? You look so adorable in your tiny dress."  Adonis smiles in awe of his daughter and bends down to kiss her. Yara then starts to get cranky at him leaving so Bria tries to calm her down.

After changing and Adonis makes his way back to the kitchen where everyone was and picks up his keys.

"You ready nephew?" Rocky smiles, proud of him.

"Yeah," Adonis smiles and bends down to kiss Bria on top of her head. "Alright, let's head out."


The ceremony at the courthouse was small and intimate surrounded by their loved ones but the emotions were pure. For the first time in a long time Adonis felt like he had everything that he wanted and needed. He had a beautiful daughter and a wife, and a promising career. After the wedding ceremony, Adonis and Bria were at their favorite soul food restaurant in the city. David had Yara for the next few days to give the newly weds some time on their own.

Adonis bit into a barbecued rib and moaned at how good it tasted. Bria giggles at him, at how messy he was eating and used her napkin to wipe around his mouth. He thanked her while she picks up a few of her fries and shoved them into her mouth.

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