Till Death

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While at work, Bria scrolled through the list of reviews and affordable doctors based on her budget. She placed her hand on her growing baby bump subconsciously and scheduled an appointment with a doctor she thought that would do great with her.

After scheduling her appointment, she took out her phone and looked around her cubicle to make sure no one was looking. Once the coast was clear she opened up Instagram to search Adonis Creed's Instagram and finally found it after seeing the blue check mark by his name. She clicked onto his account and saw that a recent picture had been posted of him and Bianca. She pressed the follow button and found the messages tab on his profile. Her fingers hovered over the phone as if she was waiting to type. 

She didn't know how he would respond or if he responded but this was her only chance to get him to know about his baby. 

Hey Adonis, this is Bria Stevens the girl you met back in Vegas and I've been trying to get in contact with you for a while now and I figured this would be the best way for you to know since I don't have any of your contact information.  I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do.  Part of me wants to keep the baby while the other part of me wants to give it up for adoption but I'm scared.  I'm scared about doing this alone, but I figured you have a right to know since you're the father. I hope you respond soon.

Before Bria pressed send, she went over the text one last time and hit send knowing that Adonis might not even read his DMs.

After work Bria walked for a little while to clear her mind, she felt so alone. As she walked she saw happy couples walking by and a woman pushing a baby in a stroller which constantly reminded her of her current situation. She needed to talk to someone to clear her mind and she knew the perfect person to talk to.

As she parked her car in front of her dads house, she slowly exhaled trying to come to terms with having to tell her dad.  She slowly got out and locked the car door to walk to the front door to ring the doorbell. When she looked around, she saw her older neighbor and family friend Mrs. Morales an older Afro Latina from Puerto Rico. 

"Hola Bria, cómo estás?"

"Así así señorita." Bria responded in Spanish.

"Aweee Que Te pasa mi niña?" She asked while she knit a new scarf for one of her family members.


"You've got to stop by I'll make you some of your favorite tea and empanadas I know you like."

"I'll stop by later this week I promise I'll call you." I yelled out.

Bria's dad opened the door and smiled when he saw her.  He then unlocked the screen door to the small one story house to let her walk in.

"Hey pops." She smiled faintly and walked inside carrying some food in her hand.

"Hey babygirl.  Is that Luigi's I smell?"

"Mhmm, you already know." Bria smiled and hugged her father after locking the door behind her.

After settling in we placed the food onto the table I took out the take out boxes and distributed our food.

"You know I love Italian food it's been a minute since I've had Luigi's too. You can stop by whenever you want if you keep buttering me up." Bria's dad laughed as he picked up his personal slice of pizza.

"Good to know that every time I have to stop by I have to bring food." Bria chuckled and bit into her meat lovers pizza.

"Not every time but once in a while would be good. I've been raising you for the past twenty four years I'm glad to see the tables have reversed."

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