For Old Times Sake

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"Babe," Adonis asked in the middle of the night as Bria was asleep next to him.

"Babe," He slowly sat up and poked Bria trying to wake her up.  ""

"What?" Bria answered groggily.

"Wanna give me head to help me feel better?" Adonis snickered as she rubbed her eyes and picked up a pillow as if she was going to throw it at him.

"Okay okay okay, stop I just wanted to get your attention." Adonis sighed and blocked the pillow with his arm. 

"Why'd you wake me up in the middle of the night?" Bria asked groggily and rubbed her eyes.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier, I don't want us to go to bed upset at each other.  Tomorrow's not promised and I wanted to apologize because I do need your help I shouldn't have said that being petty." Adonis finally admitted.

"Okay, But you could've said that in the morning." Bria yawned and rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes as she laid back down. 

"No, cause I need help going to the bathroom."

"What have you been doing to use the bathroom?" Bria asked.

"I limped to the bathroom.  But I really gotta take a shit and could use your help unless you want me to shit the bed." Adonis turned around to look at her. 

Bria sighed and slowly climbed out of bed to walk to his side of the bed.

"Fine, let me help you to the bathroom old man." 

"Watch it my hands work perfectly fine and I can still tap that ass." Donnie said as Bria carefully helped him up to take him to the bathroom.

Bria shook her head and rolled her eyes as she helped him into the bathroom.

Later that week Team Creed returned back home to help Adonis get back in shape as his body healed.  Adonis could no longer participate in Sandra's wedding so her wedding party had to be changed last minute.  As Bria sat in the bridal shop holding Yara in her arms with Sandra and her mom doing last minute altercations for the wedding dresses, she turned around to look at her best friend as she fit into her wedding dress one last time before the wedding. 

"How does it look?" Sandra asked getting emotional as she looked in the mirror. 

"It looks beautiful baby." Sandra's mom patted underneath her eyes and smiled.  "Awe I can't believe my baby girl is getting married! Jay is such a good man I'm glad you finally found true happiness."

"Thank you mama, wow I'm really getting married it's finally hitting me oh my gosh." Sandra smiled and held her hand to her heart and fanned her eyes to prevent her from crying.

"I'm so happy you found Jay you two deserve each other he really is a good man, he's helped me when I had no one and you two have really helped me throughout the years and encouraged me and uplifted me...there's no doubt in my mind that you two are meant to be together I love you two so much." Bria smiled exited to see her best friend happy.

"We're going to be in each other's weddings oh my God! You're getting married too!" Sandra excitedly screamed.

"I know, I know, I know, I'm so excited you already know you're going to be my maid of honor." I chuckled and watched her stylist take in her measurements.

"Of course and now that Donnie can't be in the wedding you remember Nick Powers?" Sandra asked.

"Yeah, What about him?" Bria asked.

"Well, he's Jay's best man..."

"Wait wait, you mean scrawny Nick from english class in high school?" Bria chuckled remembering how cute and little he was.

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