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It was a Wednesday evening around eight o'clock at Dr. Gabriel's office. Bria had been sitting in her office for to nearly an hour, she uncomfortably fidgeted in her seat as her therapist unlocked her uncomfortable truths from the depths of her mind in which she cut off from the world. It was apart of her now weekly routine to help change her thoughts and her mind to get to the bottom of how she seemed to unknowingly attract toxic people into her life. She was slowly feeling better about herself and allowed her time in between sessions to heal emotionally. After a brief emotional intermission the two returned to where they left off, now tackling her rough 10 month marriage with Adonis Creed.

"I want you to think back to the proposal and everything that led up to where you are now. Can you describe it? Can you feel how you felt that day and what has changed since then that leads you to believe that your husband doesn't love you the same way anymore." Dr. Gabriel opens up a clean sheet of paper and writes down some previous details about Bria's relationship with Adonis.

"When I first married my husband it wasn't about going all out or even about a wedding...I accepted his proposal to be his wife because I thought he had loved me the same way. I remember when I was a little kid how much I'd love to one day have a princess fairytale wedding with the man of my dreams waiting for me at the altar. I never would've imagined that this would've happened." 

Bria looks down with tears in her eyes and fidgets with the pen in her hand and continues, "He told me that when we first got together it wasn't because he wanted us to be together. It was for the sake of keeping this family unit together. It was for our baby girl...I guess I didn't really take a look into it because I had loved him but now looking back at it, from outside looking in, it explains a lot of his actions towards me. How he never really cared about me & only cares about his image and all that was at stake...he only cares how he was portrayed in the media. I guess he didn't want to be bad mouthed in the press 'Bastard Child welcomes in another Bastard Child' you know? It was almost as if history was repeating itself but he didn't want to turn out like his father who had abandoned him and his mother."

"Did he not feel the same way that you had when he married you?"  Her marriage counselor and therapist asks.

"No, he was still in love with another woman when he married me and he only married me so quickly because he was afraid to loose me.  That I would... leave him and take away the kids from him.   You see...when we first got married at the time he was being blackmailed because someone that we knew had drugged him and had sex with him without his consent and that person was going to use that video to blackmail him and our family."

"Mhn so he married you out of fear that you'd leave him?" Dr. Gabriel concluded.

"Yes..." Bria shakily responds.

"And why didn't you leave him when you found out that information?"

"Because I was blindly in love with him.  I still do, but I've always put in more than an effort into our relationship. It's always been one sided and a lot of people are calling me weak for staying with him... and it's not like he's cheated he's a great father and I find myself defending him time and time again..." Bria angrily chuckled.

"Has he been in contact with you since your last encounter with him?" Dr. Gabriel asks while jotting down some notes.

"No not really...not unless it's about he kids." Bria looks down and sighs.

"I want you to take this time for yourself to learn yourself and to grow without being tied down to a man. You've been doing so well without him and I know that there's still a lot of hurt and resentment towards him but I want you to give yourself time to re-evaluate the past and to jot down every nice thing that you've done for him and he's done for you. That's your homework assignment for our next session." Bria's therapist says before pulling away to type up an email reminder to send to Bria.

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