What The People Want

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Me: *Puts headphones on and turns up Sleepwalking By Bring Me The Horizion* hm hm hm hmhmhm...........*Starts sketching*

Ben: *Runs in yelling*

Me: *Looks at him confused* WHAT?

Ben: *Points to ears*

Me: *Takes off headphones* Whhaaaaaaa?

Ben: You, Jack. Me. Sandra. 7pm. Skating. See ya. *Runs off*

Me: Wut. *Gets a sticky note and writes what he just said* What time was it again? *Thinks*

Ben: 7PM! *Yells from somewhere else*

Me: Okay then. *Writes it and sticks sticky note on desk then starts song over again*

Toby: *Runs in* MASHIE!

Me: ..........*Tales out head phones* Yes?

Toby: Jeff said you took my waffles.

Me: I didn't take anyone's waffles Toby. He lied. In fact he probably did.

Toby: *Runs off*

Me: *Restarts song and puts headphones

In again*

Clocky: *Walks in with a waterballoon*

Me: *Takes out headphones*

Clocky: Where's Jane?!

Me: .........*Grits teeth* I don't know.

Clocky: *Leaves*

Me: *Puts headphones in*

Slender: *Walks in*

Me: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT?! *Pulls out headphones*

Slender: 0-0 *Walks out slowly*

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