His Office

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This is why I go to school.  So I can get a degree and get a well paying job.  But hell, here I am on my hands and knees scrubbing this stained filled rug.

I don't even want to know what caused this stain but it was sticky.

I wanted to throw up but the waste basket is full of papers.  Removing the gloves from my hands I threw them into the bucket that Macy was kind enough to give it to me.

The office, well his office looks somewhat decent.  The papers, folders and such were once again neatly placed on his desk.  And it only took me about an hour to get his office clean.  An hour of not seeing him thank goodness.

Now all that's left is to empty the waste basket.

Looking at it, it was filled with papers that didn't look like it belong there.  Perhaps it fell in by mistake?  With my bare hands I gently removed the paper and set them aside to only dug back in.

Big mistake because then something wet and slimy soon covet my fingers as I removed my hand from the inside to only notice my fingers were now soak in this white fluid.

"Oh my god!"  I screamed.  My stomach churning at the same time.  "Eww, eww, eww."   Papers and rubber were sticking to my fingers as I tried to shook it off only for tiny droplets landing on my legs.  "Eeeek...get this off."  I shrieked

"What, what's wrong?"  A worried looking Macy rushed into the room only to see me in a frantic state as she stare at my predicament.

She looked grotesque as I am while she scans my fingers.

Pointing, "Bathroom, there."  

She didn't have to tell me twice, running towards the bathroom not minding the stares I was receiving, I quickly ran my hand underneath the faucet in an extremely hot water lathering my skin with soap.

I don't care if I have to scrub my skin away, just the thought of having well...oh my god, that is just so gross.

"Are you okay?"  Just then Macy also entered the ladies room.  "Stop...your skin is turning red."  Grabbing a towel she took my hand and began wiping it.  

"I did not sign up for this."  I cried.

"Oh, you'll get use to it?"

"Get use to what?"  I may have asked but I already new the answer.

Smiling, "I threw away the trash bag away for you."

"Thank you."  Came my reply.

"No problem.  Come let me introduce you to the entire floor."

Leaving the rest room, "Every one, I would like you to meet Isabella Stone."  Macy had introduce me while everyone looked at me with one of two things, pity or regret.  I couldn't tell which one won.

One by one I had met each employee who had introduce themselves.  They were friendly, quiet, and from the time I have seen them they had work diligently.

Heading back to the office, I was met with a fuming boss, my boss temporarily.

I didn't notice Macy had left me alone with the devil himself.

What the hell is his problem?  I cleaned his office like he wanted me too.

"And where the hell have you been?"  Mr. Saunders questions.

"Rest room."  I gulped.

At my answer he relax his stance.  Seriously what is his problem.  

"Have a seat Ms. Stone."

Really not a thank you for cleaning his office.  None the less I had taken a seat.

"Let's get down to business."  Watching him scribble some words on a paper he handed it to me, "This is your work schedule."

My eyes widen, this is my work schedule.  More like my new home if you ask me.  "But sir I thought we discuss," His gazed looked at me sternly letting me know he was not having it, "I mean that I said I had other priorities."

"Such as?"

Again I shrunk in my chair, how could anyone work with such a man.  Really can he tone down his violent aura.

"Are you married?"

"Well no but..."


"That I can say..."

"And you are finished with school?"

What the hell is with him not letting me finish my sentence.

Jumping of my seat, "Look sir, let me finish, I may not have a family of my own but I do have other priorities of which I'd rather not discuss.  Now I am willing to work with you," Where the hell am I going with this.  I need the money damn it and me telling my new boss off might not accomplish that but my mouth has a mind of his own, "But you have to work around my schedule.  And in return I will give it my all.  I am very efficient and a fast learner so please..." My voice got quiet in the end while he just gawked at me like i was insane.

"I'm fired am I?"  Of course I am.  First job I was ever fired before I even got the job and his silence says it all.

"Mr. Saunders," I smiled, "Thank you so much for even thinking of giving my the opportunity to work for you and I do hope you will find your secretary."  I held out my hand trying to savor what ever dignity I had only for him to sit in his place not an ounce of remorse.

"Very well."  Pulling back my hand I held my head up high excusing myself.

"Thank you for cleaning my office, you may leave."  I was just about to leave jerk.  Is what I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut.

This day has been a long day.  Macy gave me a sorrowful smile, "Good luck."

Nodding my head I dragged myself onto the elevator and hurried home.

It was not yet rush hour so if I leave now without stopping I can get home in time just to cook dinner.

Taking the train has always been troublesome but I had not problems with it.

Good thing I was just in time.

Sitting while listening to music on my head set, I thought of what had happened to day.  It's true when they say waking up on the wrong side of the bed is like bad luck.  Seriously.

I can't believe I didn't get the job.  It would've done and possible make more money than my other job.  I could always get a second job.  Then I sill have my classes.  Two jobs and my courses.  Who needs sleep right.  I can sleep in between breaks all I need is at least five minutes of sleep, lot's of caffeine and I am good to go.

Arriving at my stop, I sluggish walked home.

My neighborhood is not a pleasant sight to see but the apartments here are cheap.  And it puts a roof over our head.

Third floor, I lightly knocked on the door to be greeted by an elderly lady, "Bell how was your day?"

"Good evening Mrs. Louis, it today was tiring."  I yawned. "And yours?"

"It has been a fun day, we colored and told stories."  She smiled like she was reminiscing an old fond memory.

"Has he been good today?"

"Yes, we even baked cookies, he is an excellent helper."

Suddenly tiny patter ran across the floor while I watch him toddle towards me with open arms and a smile on his face, "Mummy."

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