Meat Locker

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Pain, climbing up my back. It was like tiny little fire ants was crawling up my skin.

While I was at the mercy of this callous man, the fear in my eyes were evident.

"Don." A man burst into this freezing cold room spoke frantically, "The cops are here."

Soon shot could be fired. For a moment I felt relax, happy even to know I was being rescued right. They are coming for me right.

"Shit." The man cursed, "How the fucking hell did they find us?" Releasing me, he made his way out before closing the big door once again.

The heat was just our of my reach and silence. I couldn't hear anything aside from muffled voices.

My eyes were now getting heavy as it wanted so much to close for the day. 'Stay awake.' I told myself. I couldn't afford to sleep. If I do I might never wake up but I was tired, and sleep sounded good, closing my eyes, my head had fell backwards, my breathing now becoming shallow.


After Asher had gotten me an address I was surprise to see where it was. In china town it seems my good old friend Frankie Emilio owned a Chinese restaurant. I didn't wait a second longer. Contacting the police I had told them about a gambling ring that was held out of public's eyes, of course I had called them anonymously while I had my own security team on call.

Arriving at the so called restaurant, I waited till the cops showed which was ten minutes later and watch them burst into the place while Asher and I sat at a table with my security team on standby. I had said I would do this legally but if I know Emilio he has his own security and I can't take any chances.

The people here looked oblivious to what was going on.

As the officers made their way towards the back, they cooks were yelling but were ignored until we heard screams.

Asher and I made our way to the back when the people there fled in all directions leaving their tables and chips.

Soon shot's were fired while Asher and I had been out of sight.

My security team was now on their tail as a few officers fell. Bullets were now flying and bodies were dropping fast.

Making our way as my security team along with the officers press forward, Asher and I made sure there were no bullets.

It had gotten quiet but there were a few screams here and there.

This place was much bigger then the outside. It seems the restaurant connects with another building from the inside.

The floors were covered in blood as I stepped over the dead bodies. Truth be told this is not my first time seeing a dead body lifeless on the hard ground.

Emilio's men were now dwindling as me and Asher ran through each room trying to find her.

Fuck, where could she be?

Turning the corner I had ran into a man, none other then Frankie Emilio who stood before me. He had gotten old. He was one year older than me but his head was full of gray hair.

His eyes then smiled, "Saunders," he then looked over my shoulder, "Woods." He put his arms around me then going over to Asher, "Long time now see." He happily spoke as if his men aren't just falling back now. "What are you doing you here?"

I just glared at him.

"Oh, you want back in?"

"Cut the crap?"

"What?" His smile faded at my tone of voice.

"Where is she?"


"Don't play fucking games Emilio, where the hell is she?" I grabbed his collar only for him to return my stare with a glare.

"That is Don now, Don Emilio."

"I don't fucking care." Asher was at his back as we had trapped him in between us.

"This is over, your business, your clients, it is all gone." Asher gruffly spoke.

"You're the one that called the cops on me." He laughed, "I would never thought you would betray me like this."

Punching him in the jaw, I proceeded to punch him again when Asher had held me back, "Where the fuck is she!" I yelled, my voice now bouncing off the room.

"I don't know who you are fucking talking about but if it's a girl I have many girls you can have." He stood up on his two feet.

"The girl you took out of her home."

His eyes widen as he realized who I was referring to and at that moment his tone became serious, "And what is she to you?"

I gritted my teeth, "The future Mrs. Saunders."

"Ha ha ha ha...that's rich. So you finally found some bimbo to replace Ivy."

'Punch' and a 'Kick' straight towards him. I watch him spit blood out, "If you do not tell me where the fuck she is you will soon wish you were dead."

"You! Are you threatening me boy..."

"Fuck you are one year older than us..." Asher mocked.

"You two don't have the balls." He challenged.

Waving my hand one of my personal head security guys came by me taking Emilio by his arm, "You are right. This is not my style but my men here can do far worse."

Cracking his knuckles my men grabbed him by his scruff and a gun to his balls, "Okay okay." Emilio panicked.

"She's in that room." He pointed across the hall.

He must be joking because that is a fucking meat locker, "Don't mess with me Emilio..." My men cocked his gun.

"I ain't joking."

His eyes looked serious and at that moment, Asher and I ran towards the room in a quick haste as we pried the door open.

All we can see is meat and more meat. Moving the meat Asher and I separated. This was a damn big meat locker.

"Dylan." Asher called frighteningly.

Heading towards the sound of his voice he was kneeling and there in blue was Bella. Quickly removing my jacket I placed it over her and notice she was hand cuff to a hanging cow. Tearing the flesh of the cow I instantly carried her out. It wasn't that hard considering it was hanging on by a thin piece of raw meat.

Once we were out of that room, Asher took off his jacket and placed it above her. While he calls for the pediatrics I attempted to warm her up and wake her up but she wasn't breathing.

"Bella." I called rubbing her skin for warmth.

In the background Emilio stood there laughing, "Bitch, when she wakes up tell her to give my son back."

I didn't hear what he just said, and frankly I didn't care. The woman I am in love with is cold and without warmth. "Bella, please don't leave me." I sobbed.

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