Dylan Saunders

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"Why the hell would you a get a god damn phone if you don't even answer it." I yelled through my receiver slamming my phone back down.

"Fuck. Who the hell does she think is to ignore my calls."

Picking up the receiver again, "Get me Ms. Isabella Stone's address now." If HR can't even get me a capable secretary and sure as hell Percy won't even help me, I'll just go get her myself and drag her back here.

How dare she just walk out on me when I have so much work to do and because of her I can't get anything done.

"Sir, I have gotten her address."

"Good text it to me."

Waiting for a good solid minute, finance had given me her address.

Finally, when I see her I will make sure to drag her back here. I don't care if I have to do it forcefully.

Sure I had gotten half of my work done for the past couple days without sleep but without a capable secretary work will just continue to pile up.

And from what Percy has told me she will serve me well, not like those fumbling idiots that HR keep on sending my way.

Storming out of my office and into my car I punch in her address into my GPS while I rushed to the highway.

It's been a good solid hour until the houses were becoming more visible and the neighborhood becoming more foul.

Graffiti was plastered all over the walls, trash had soiled the ground and the people in this neighbor neither cared nor dressed decent.

Is this where she lives? Driving through, I slowed down trying to fine her apartment.

It was almost four in the evening and she better be home.

"Turn right on Leake street." My GPS said.

Turning right, I was only met with a dead end. "Stupid GPS, damn thing must be broken."

The sun was already setting and only now the people were just leaving their homes. Some with loud booming music.

"Excuse me ladies, I'm looking for Stampford Street." I pulled up next to a couple of girls, rolling down my window refusing to even step out.

"Well hello their handsome," One of the girls leaned against my door, "What is a handsome man like you doing on this side of town and in this beautiful car." She ran her fingers along my window sill.

"Ladies, if you please don't mind, I am in a bit of a rush."

"Hey you!" Just then a barley voice yelled from across the street, watching this brisk stubby man roaring at me. "Are you checking out my girl?"

Stepping out of my car I rolled my eyes looking down at the man himself. Sure he was tall but I was taller, "I was just asking for directions." I calmly stated not wanting to cause any trouble.

The man glowered at me before he took the first swung of which I didn't dodge in time.


"Please give him back. Please don't take him." My chest was getting heavy, my eyes blurred, my voice growing tired from crying, "Please don't take him away, please Jack. Mummy is here." 

"What the fuck is going on in here?"  I froze not recognizing that frightening voice.  My eyes rooted towards the ground as I felt a hand gripping the side of my arms hoisting me up gently.

It was gentle that I wanted to fall into his embrace. 

Meeting his chest, my eyes slowly traveled it's way up as I was met with a very angry Mr. Dylan Saunders.

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