His Thoughts

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"Fine sir."

Her voice rang throughout my ears. I had never had this much fun since she left.

Laying on my bed half naked, my arm was placed behind my head as I stared up into the cieling.

You would think I would be sleeping by now seeing I hadn't had a good night sleep in ages but today I had a hard time just closing my eyes.

After getting of the phone with her, I wanted to march towards her home for the disrespect she had shown me even after I had helped her with her son.

And yet it amuses me, she amuses me.

Who knew teasing her would be this much fun. I'm going to rather enjoy this.

It's been years since I had a good laugh and yet hear I am laughing and smiling to myself like a fool. I can't even remember the last time I had laughed this hard.

After I had left her apartment, I had called a good friend of mine who works at the lab in the hospital.

Now all I need to do is wait for the DNA results for her son and I. Sure I was not his father but that doesn't mean the DNA will come out negative. On the contrary it will prove to be the opposite.

Morning couldn't come any faster. And I was becoming to get restless. For the first time I had looked forward to going to work. For reasons unknown.


After my shower I had put on a nice Armani suit with my usual black tie and leather shoes. Making sure my hair is slick back. Couldn't go to work sloppy now can I.

Arriving at work I had greeted my workers with a smile only to recieve a shock look on their face.

"Goo...good morning Mr. Saunders." Macy greeted.

With a nod I looked at the desk that stood outside of my office, the desk that belongs to her now.

"Mr. Saunders we have the things you requested." One of my employees was now carrying a bag full of stuffs, just stuff. "Where would you like that set up."

"There." I pointed to my office. "Just a few of it and the blanket, the rest will go to the next floor below us."

Looking at my clock it was not yet 8 but it should be soon so instead I sat on my desk just waiting.

One more minute and she should be walking through my doors. If she's not here by the time...

"I'm here." The woman panted into my office.

Removing that smile from my face I watch her carrying a sleeping Jack in her arms.

"You're late."  I scolded.

"Only a minute late."  She defended.

"Have a seat and you can place Jack there."

I watch her look back probably confused as to why I had set a small quilt surrounded by toys for his age.

"Over there?" She asked confused.

"Yup." I wasn't going to explain myself. It's just that if she has to bring her son to work I might as well make sure he keeps busy so he doesn't disturb us when working. I already sent out an announcement through email to my employees of an addition I just added today.

I'm sure my employees have kids of their own and would like it if it was easier to just bring their kids to work.

Setting Jack down she sat at the chair that was in front of my desk fiddling her thumb.

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