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Guilt, immense amount of guilt seeped up my entire body as I fixed my tie while heading back towards the party.

How could this have happened? At first I had refused but a part of me wanted it right. She was my ex wife and the fact that I let her seduce me is no excuse on my part. I should have tried harder to push her away but my body wanted it. And I hate to admit it but she was still attractive as ever. Damn eyes.

Honestly speaking my body had missed her touch. When we were so much in love, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other until she cheated on my with one of my business rivals.

I never did get the closure I deserve and even though there is nothing going on between Bella and me why do I feel guilty in all aspects. How could I look her in the eye knowing what just happened, what I had done.

"There you are." That sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts, while handing me a drink. "You have a smudge of lipstick on your lips." She wiped it off with her thumb.


"Don't worry I saw you and Ivy underneath the mistletoe. It is Christmas after all."

I don't know if I should feel relieve or come clean about what just happened minutes ago. "Also your top two buttons are undone."

"Yeah." I chuckled nervously. If I had said more words my voice would probably betray me while buttoning up my buttons and running my fingers through my hair.

"It's getting late, I think I will take Jack home now." She looked at me sadly but before she could even turn around my hand had grabbed hers.



I wanted to tell her. She is my friend right and friends tell each other everything. She would understand that I was not in my right mind tonight. Hell the holidays has gotten me not thinking clearly. "We are still on for Christmas right?" I flaked out on telling her what is on my mind.

"Of course. I'll ask Renold to send me home. You enjoy the party, have a good night." She whispered before I watch her retreating back.

Call her back. I told myself. As much as I wanted to, I didn't. She didn't look like herself. Did something happened to her tonight that I wasn't aware off?

"Dylan." I jumped startled by that voice. "Chill bro." Asher said.

"Sorry it's just been a hectic night."

I thought back to what Ivy had said. And that paper she had given me. I was angry on how she found out, none the less it made me not think straight. How the hell did she find out?

"Why, what's up with you?"

"Nothing." I stuttered, my mind still elsewhere. I don't care what or how Ivy found out but I'll be damn if she uses that piece of information against me or Bella. I will protect Bella and Jack no matter what the cost.

The party was finally coming to an end. It was a hit with Santa Clause here. The kids had enjoyed it and I wish I could say I did too.

My date had left an hour ago and Ivy she was still here throwing me winks every so often. I wanted to drown in a tub at that moment.

Marching up to her I pulled her aside roughly, "What is your plan?"

"What ever do you mean honey?" She teased.

"Cut the crap Ivy, how the hell did you find out?"

"Let's just say I have my ways besides did you honestly think I wouldn't find out, you are my husband god dammit so start acting like it."

"Ex husband let me remind you."

"I know but please let's start anew."

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't forget what you put me through all the heart ache and pain." I watch her eyes glossed in unshed tears."

"Please Dylan I said I was sorry, we can try again and this time I will give you what you want."

"It's a little late for that. Three years fucking late."

"So you decided to replace me. Well congrats you got an instant family that you had always wanted." I have never picture Ivy and I to be at each other's throat. Instead I had imagine us to grow older together with at least four kids but everything comes to an end.

When I had asked her about having kids, she had refuse saying kids will only destroy her dreams of becoming a model.

Thus leading her to leave me for someone else and now she is back to re-establish what we had.

"You're wrong. She is not a replacement but rather someone who is not you, a totally opposite of you."

Hurt was now evident on her face. And for a split moment I wanted to hug her and tell her that it is not true.

"I love you." She blurted once again. "I have never stop loving you."

It was like listening to a broken record. I heard what she said, what she was saying but her words mean nothing.

"Again Ivy, give me all your copies or else."

"No." She yanked herself away from my grip. "Only if we will be husband and wife again."


"You heard me, marry me again."

This girl is insane. "I would rather marry a donkey then be your husband again."

"Fine but don't blame me if Bell looses her son over this."

"Ivy." Her name was like toxic towards my tongue.

"Dylan, you know what I want and I want you. Come to me every weekend, satisfy me and this document will never come to light."

She held the paper in front of my face. "I told you that, what happened between us tonight was a one time thing and will never happen again."

"Even if I tell your precious PA what had happened between us." She continue to black mail me even more.

"Do you honestly think she would believe you?" I spat.

"True but all you need is a small of doubt."

"Ivy, I don't have time for your games, drop this now." I ordered getting more annoyed. "Tell me where you got those results?"

"That time we went to the Zoo." She finally replied.

"You took something that didn't belong to you." I knew meeting her at the zoo was no coincidence. "Ivy cut the bull shit and I promise you I will not have you black listed from all other jobs."

"No you wouldn't do that if you know what's good for her and for you. After all falsifying a document can get you both into prison well mostly on her. " She snickered, "And with this results this will prove that not only you are not Jack's father but falsified a document that the government required."

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