Ex Wife

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"Bella!" I yelled upon entering my home. Throwing my keys down along with my jacket I rushed to my living room in hopes to see Bella and Jack waiting for me.

One hour before Christmas. "Bella! Jack!" I called again only to be answered with silence. Maybe they are sleeping in their room.

Rushing to their room it was empty before I headed back down stairs shouting for their name.

"Sir." Nelly came through the back in her robe.

"Bella?" I hurriedly asked.

"They are gone sir."

"What do you mean gone?"

"I mean they left hours ago."

"Fuck." I tousled my hair. "Why didn't you stop them?"

"Why are you upset, wasn't it your choice to leave them here alone?" She scoffed at me.

"I had an urgent matter to take care off."

Nelly then took something off the counter and handed it to me, "It's from her."

A gift! It was a nice Christmas box with a blue bow. In a quick haste I unwrapped it revealing a nice watch. Granted it wasn't a watch I was use to wearing but it was beautiful and engraved too, "With all my heart Bella."

The watch I was wearing was a Rolex watch that was given by Ivy on our third year anniversary. I have never part with it, now is a good time.

Removing my old watch I replaced it with the watch Bella had given me.

"Now Nelly do you know where they have gone?"

"I'm assuming home."

Looking at my new watch it read it was fifteen minutes till midnight. Maybe if I leave now I can still celebrated the first Christmas morning with them. Taking my keys and picking up a box I had for her, her gift I stored it in my jacket pocket. On the road I by pass all the red lights hoping I don't get pulled over. I just needed to make it to her house on time.

Staying at Ivy's home, I just didn't know how long it took.

"Fine, go, I'll just send this video to Bell."


Slowly turning around I walked to her with light foot steps.

"Good choice honey." Ivy wrapped her arms around me as she planted a kiss on my lips. I didn't kiss back and just let her.

"How bout that eggnog." I was going to play her game for now.

We both found ourselves sitting in her living room drinking other than just eggnog. While I listened to her relive the memories we once shared.

I remained quiet.

"Dylan." Ivy cooed, "I am want you so bad."

"Are you that horny for me?" I teased.

"Yes and I want you inside me right now." I felt her hands on my groan and a bulge was starting to form "And I can see this big boy wants me too." Oh I don't doubt that. There was once a time I would kiss the ground she walked on. Hell she is still very much attractive to any other man out then but for me, I found someone else more attractive.

Removing her hand away from me, "Lean back." I huskily spoke while she did as she was told.

My body was now hoovering over hers, my face inches from her, "If you think you can play me into sleeping with you, you're naive than I thought." I smirked before standing up.

Ivy huffed and sat up, "If you do not give me what I want I am one click away from sending this video to Bella."

"I'm here with you aren't I. I'm spending Christmas with you already. Sleeping with you, that will be out of the question." I learned my lesson, never again. This woman is a devil in disguised.

"But I want more, I want you to touch me."

"Get a vibrator." I suggested. It doesn't have to be me, it can be anyone."

"Fine, if you wont sleep with me, I want thirty percent of your shares in Saunders Enterprises."

I was baffled. Is this what this is all about. Money? She is extorting me for money.

"How much do you need Ivy? And What did this ploy cost you?"

Ivy fidget in her seat. This was just more than a business transaction or her blackmails. There was a reason why she sought me out in New York. I had always had a hunch into why she wanted to propose a deal with me but never actually knew what she was really after.

"You think I am after your money?" She gasped.

"Isn't this what it's all about?"

"What no, I want you. I love you please Dylan give me another chance."

"You blew your chance when you decided to sleep around. What happened to Barry?"

"He, uh, he left me for someone else." She confessed.

At her answer I wanted to laugh. Now she knows how it feels to be dumped and rejected.

"And." She continued, "I'm pregnant." Another confession I wasn't ready for.

Pregnant? "Your pregnant. Don't tell me its my child because we only slept last week."

She shook her head, "No, it's Barry's." Her voice gotten quiet.

A few months she has been working for me and all those flirts and passes she made at me she was still with him. "You're a fucking piece of work you know that." This was the reason why she cheated on me to begin with.

I wanted a family with her, kids to have with her, to be the mother of my children but she refused telling me it would just put a damper on her modeling career and here she is pregnant with the one she cheated on me with.

"Go back to Barry." I spat his name.

"He, he doesn't want the child." She cried.

"And what does it matter to me. You're not suggesting..." She couldn't be suggesting I take responsibility for someone else's child.

"Well since you play a father to Jack I was hoping you could..."

"No." I blurted, "Fuck no."

"But why Dylan. That boy is not even your son and you won't even consider being a father to my child." Tears trickled down her face.

"I don't know what you want me to say to that but I'll be damn if that child takes my name."

"Please Dylan I have no one else to turn too, my modeling career is practically over and the business I own is completely bankrupt, now this child."

"And what would you have me do huh?"

"All I'm asking is for you to claim my child as yours."

There are already talks that Jack is my illegitimate child now if I claim Ivy as mine it will make that true and Bella will received the harsh blow at the end.

"If you claim my child as yours I will delete the video of me and you."

Her words can't be trusted, hell I don't even trust her and here she is pleading asking me to claim her child as mine.

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