Furiously typing away on my computer, I had practically ignored Dylan all through morning. He didn't seemed to mind though.
"What has gotten you so worked up?" Macy pulled up a chair next to me.
After what had happened between Ivy and I she has been extremely sweet not to mention noisy. There was a time maybe I would have told her what was going on perhaps we would have been best of friends but after she had turned her back on me because of silly rumors I don't think I can ever get pass that. She could do it again if there is another rumor and I choose to protect that piece of heart.
"Nothing." I sighed not wanting to hold a conversation with her. She knew and she tries and tries again. So I don't make small talks with none of the people here.
The only person I talk to is Dylan and now I'm just ignoring him so I'm bored.
Though he was with someone, an old friend of him. An elderly man and his daughter, Bill Kennedy and April Kennedy. She was a sweet girl from the looks of it, just graduated from high school but the way she had looked at Dylan had me growling at my place.
I could see it in her eyes she had a thing for him but I'm positive Dylan would never go for her right.
His office door open, "So how bout today?" Mr. Kennedy asked.
"I have to see with my fiance first."
"Fiance?" April's mouth fell open and I silently smirk to myself, that's right so back off.
"Bill, April, my fiance Isabella Stone." I stood up smiling and greeting.
"Ah Ms. Stone..."
"Bell, please."
"Bell, its nice to finally meet you. My daughter April." I greeted her only for her to scowl at me.
"Bella." My head shifted towards Dylan. So much for ignoring him. "Bill here is going on a three month business trips."
"Okay." I don't know why he had to tell me but sure.
"And he can't bring April with him." My heart was falling waiting for a question that I wish he wasn't going to ask me especially not in front of them so I can't argue back. "And he was wondering if April could stay with us for the mean time?"
"Smiling, Dylan may I talk to you please in private." Nodding his head I grabbed his hand away for more private area before glaring at him, "You are honestly asking me to open our home to another woman."
"A kid, she's a kid Bella." He corrected.
"She is no longer a minor and she is eighteen a young adult."
"Are you jealous of her?" He raised his eye brows.
If someone asked me that I don't say no I say, "Hell yes. I know you Dylan you would..."
"Are you suggesting I would sleep with her?" The thought hasn't crossed my mind I mean he hasn't even sleep with me. Maybe April was more his type.
"Are you saying you won't be tempted?"
"Honey, she is a kid in my eyes. And it's only for three months. There is another thing..."
"And what is that?"
"I gave her a job at your cafe temporarily."
"You did what?" I was fuming, "You didn't even think to consult me?"
"I know I'm sorry but Bill is an old friend of mine, I didn't think you would mind."
"Well news flash I do mind." Why was I the only one yelling. Is it weird that he was extremely calm about the whole situation. "Put your position in my place, if I asked you the same question if an eighteen year old boy could live with us temporarily, would you?"
He grew quiet before his brows further, "Fuck no!"
"There you go, he's just a child." I mocked the same answer he had told me.
"No, correction he is a man."
"And that child is a woman."
"I see your point. But Bella I love you. You are my world my everything. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have."
"Did you see the way she looks at you. She looks like she is about to eat you." He chuckled.
"Can you blame me for being so damn gorgeous."
I wish I could smack that smirk of his face. And I see I am not going to win with this, "Fine, but if I feel that I have to work to keep your attention, Jack and I will leave and I won't even tell you and you can take that as my resignation." I threatened.
"That will never happened and if she does cross the line she is out first thing."
"Good I want you to make that clear to her." With one last huff I stormed back to my desk with Dylan at my back.
"Bill, April can stay with us."
"Wonderful, her bags will be sent later today." Bill turned towards his daughter, "Be good now and I will see you later."
Bill left with a smile on his face while we three stood awkwardly facing each other. I cleared my throat.
"April my fiance has agreed for you to stay with us but if you so happen to cross any boundary I will have you out of our house and call your dad, is that clear?" Dylan spoke sternly to her.
"Yes Mr. Saunders."
"Call me Dylan."
"Dylan." She smiled swooning over the fact she can call him by his first name.
My heart was beating fast. I know I had agreed but why do I get the feeling she will be the reason why I won't be walking down the aisle. Calm down Bell. You are over thinking it.
"Bell." April turned towards me, "Thank you for lending me your house and a job at your cafe."
After Dylan had left I took one look at her, "I know you like my fiance but let me remind you that he is mine. Touch him even if it is a hug I will put you in a tub naked filled with hot chilly peppers do I make my self clear?"
"Yes." She stuttered frighteningly. Good.
"Good, now go to my cafe down stairs and see the manager. I will give him a call and your shift starts today."
Watching her scurry off I can't help but wonder did I make the wrong choice by agreeing to let her stay with us.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...