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Chatter was heard throughout the hall while music slowly began to play.

One by one ladies mostly some of her colleagues and a few from my company walked down with flowers in their hands and a beautiful dress.

"Are you sure about this?  Being with the same women, waking up to the same woman...not too late to change your mind."  Asher stood next to me in a penguin suit as he winks at me.

"And I can't wait till we be finding each other's teeth."  I joked when the music changed and the guest had stood up.

Slowly the door opened and my eyes had widen at the sight.  I thought I would never get the chance to even see her in such a gown.  After all the troubles we had gone through and the rules I had set up for myself.  Thank god I never followed them or I wouldn't witness the most beautiful girl walking towards me with tears in her eyes.

How I wish I could wipe them away from her.

The music had come to a final stop as we both gazed into each other eyes neither one of us listening to what the priest was saying.

"Do you Isabella Stone take Dylan Saunders..." he continued.

She however just stood there still gawking at me.  With a small nudge she broke free from our stare contest, "Oh, I do."  She smiled while the guest had chuckled.

The priest repeated the same question to me before he even got to finished, "Hell yes."  The guest laughed causing the priest to glare at me, "I mean I do."  Can you blame me, I was excited. 

"I now pro..." the priest started but I had other ideas, grabbing Bella into my arms I feverishly attacked her lips.

"You may go on kissing the bride."  The priest finishes. 

With a loud clutter the guest clapped their hands and continued clapping while I continue to kiss her.

"Ehem..."  The priest tapped me on my shoulder only to received a harsh glare from me.  With my stare he backed up.

"Dude, there are people present."  Asher commented.

I knew I should've had a private wedding.  These people only hinder me for what I want to do and I couldn't wait.

Crouching down I picked her up effortlessly in my arms only for her to giggle.  She had the most infectious giggle I ever heard.

"Mummy, daddy," I sat up when I felt two warm bodies now jumping on top of our bed.

"Jack, JJ," I picked Juliana up in my arms while Jack plops himself besides us, "Shh, mommy is sleeping."

"Daddy," Jack then took a seat on my lap, "Are you going to drive me to school today?"  It was his first day of school and he was happy while Juliana my little princes who we like to call as JJ only beamed up at me.  It was easier seeing Juliana was a long name that Jack couldn't even pronounce at first and so it just stuck with us.  Just like Jack, Juliana was just as smart as him for a two year old.

"Okay, I'm up."  Bella rose from her sleep.  "Good morning honey's."  She smiled, before smiling at me.

"Good morning honey."  I kissed her on the lips where she quickly turned her head. 

"I have morning breath."

"Every morning you say that and every day I had always said I don't care."  I sighed. 


"Mummy kiss daddy."  JJ interrupted.

"Yes do what the little girl said."  Turning her head, I gave her a slow soft peck.

For the past few years I was always woken up by these two rug rats.

"Oooh."  Bella groaned.

"Hon?  What's wrong?"

"It's nothing?"  She proceeded to rub her tummy.

"Come, let me get you and junior something to eat." 

"How are you going to feed the baby if it is in mummy's tummy."  JJ asked curiously.

"Don't you know JJ?"  Jack smiled, "Daddy plants seed in mummy's tummy then water it to help the baby grow.

Okay so my analogy of how baby got in mummy's tummy was off.  I sort of referred it to a plant.

"Okay, enough talk, who wants egg and sausages."

Both my kids raised their hands, "And you hon?"

"I like anything you give me honey."  She winked at me.

In all the years of being married to her, granted we weren't married to each other long but even so, my heart has always skipped a beat every time she speaks.  Just by seeing her, touching her, makes my heart fluttered and my skin tingle though I would never tell her that.

"Come one kids race you down stairs."

"Come on JJ, perhaps Nelly has cookies for us."  Jack took Juliana by her hand.

"No cookies early in the morning."  I yelled only for them to already be out the door with the door closed.

Turning my attention towards an almost nine month pregnant Bella I pulled her up on my lap.

"Dylan what are you doing?"  She asked as I began to stroke her swollen breast.  I admit pregnancy suits her.

"You think you can keep these this time."  I referred to her breast.

"You know I can't but it won't be gone for a while."

"Good,"  I pulled down her shirt and began and try to fit all of her into my mouth.  Her breast was just so tempting.

"Dylan."  She moaned, "We can't be doing this, the kids are awake...."

"All I need is five minutes."  I grinned, "Besides I heard sex helps process you going into labor faster."

I couldn't wait to meet our newest addition to our family.

"Are you that in a hurry to met our baby here?"

"That and I can't wait to get you pregnant again."

Lightly slapping my arm, "What do you mean?  You are not the one who has to go through these pregnancy symptoms and hours in the hospital pushing out a live person out of a small hole."

"Oh, honey, I have told you before I want lots of kids with you, half of them will look like you and the other half will look like me."

"Dylan!"  She gasped while I wrapped my arms around her burying my face between her breast.  There were soft and firm at the same time.

"So about us making..."

"Five minutes."  She smiled.

Smiling back I pulled the covers over us while she giggled until the door bursts open, "Mummy, daddy, what's taking you so long."  Jack walked in.  "Are you and mummy playing a game?"

Slowly peaking out, Bella remained unseen, "I'll be there in a minute son.  Give your mummy and I a few minutes okay."

Taking his leave while closing the door Bella was already up, "Take a reign check?"

I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't have my pre breakfast.  Maybe I should rethink about having a whole set of kids.

With my eyes watching Bella as she dresses up, nah, I love this life, my life with Bella and our children.  "In the office?"

Bella giggled before running to the bathroom with me right behind her.

Thank you for joining Bella and Dylan on their journey

There's a sequel:  The body guard Happy Reading

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