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Yesterday was scary. When I was ambushed by two men asking me to hand all my bags I hesitated, not because I didn't want to but because I was scared and confused.

At first I was like why would I do that, they are mine but then again I gave it to them without even trying to hang on to my things.

If someone was threatening me even if I had nothing in my purse nothing worth fighting for hell I would give it to them no questions ask.

I am not a hero to defend myself over things that can easily be replace. I'd be like take it. Then run away like crazy. Why be someone that I'm not. It will only get yourself killed.

Today was a long and tiring day, which made me forget what had happened yesterday. Next time I'd be sure to travel with someone.

Dylan and I were now in a room full of business men with their own personal PA. In fact their PA seemed more mature and experience than I am and very well dressed.

Again Dylan didn't say anything about the clothes I was wearing.

"So you are Mr. Saunders PA." The red head on my left curiously asked, "It's surprising he choose you after all his previous PA were more well develop."

Okay I get that I may look like a child but on the inside I know for a fact I am well capable of doing my job.

"If you do not mind I am a bit busy trying to take notes." While we had listen to each men give their presentations I was busy jotting notes making sure I cover all my bases so that Dylan has something to look at.

"My, my I wonder what Mr. Saunders ever see in you. Surely you cannot fulfill Mr. Saunders urges." She smirked, "How bout a trade, little girl. You work for my boss and I work for you."

"I'm sorry are you still talking." I was annoyed while lightly tapping my fingers, "I tell you want, if Mr. Saunders agrees then I will agree to your demands."

The red head looked at me expectantly, "Okay, I will get him to switch PA's."

After this long boring meeting I was once again seated next to Dylan, "Had any interesting comments about what you heard today." Dylan smiled.

"Actually..." I began but was rudely interrupted by that same red head from earlier who was now sitting on his lap.

My eye brows risen as his hand was now placed on her hips, "Hello Mr. Saunders." I watch her hand pressed against his chest as I listened to him intake of breath probably trying to control himself.

I was now feeling down hearted. Would he really choose her as my PA but by the looks of it he would choose her over me.

Standing up, "I think I will leave you two alone to talk."

"Of course let the adults talk." The red head grinned at me like she had won.

"Ms. Stone." Suddenly I felt a hand grabbed my wrists, "We are not finished here."

Turning around the red head was still sitting on his lap, "Could you get off."  It was more like a demand than a question.

"Actually your PA and I was wondering if we could change bosses, I get you and she gets my old boss."

Dylan had gotten quiet. Was he thinking of switching me with another PA. "Tempting but I prefer my PA to be very well groomed." Dylan gently waved her away causing me to melt on the inside. "Shall we go?" Without giving the red head a second glance I trailed behind Dylan but not before giving the red head the finger.

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