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No, this isn't what I want. My mouth had a mind of its own.

I refused to look at him but when I got the courage he looked torn like he had given up all hope before it was replace with anger.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

"Calm down, Jack is sleeping next door."

"No, you don't get to do this to me Bella." He lowered his voice. Grabbing me by the arm he threw me on the bed roughly but gentle at the same time. Taking my ring that was now on the desk he forcefully put it back on my finger, "We are going to get married. I will watch you walk down the aisle in a white wedding dress, you will say I do and we will have more children. I will not let you walk away from us, what we have, from me." He spoke with finality like he was so sure of himself.


"Shut up, I had told you nothing happened between us so why are you hell bent on running away from me?" He was now hoovering over me as tears had threatened to spill from his eyes.

"But you lied..."

"To protect you. I didn't want you jumping to conclusions."

"Oh and look how that turned out." I challenged.

"Point taken but I have learned my lesson so please, please do not leave my side." His forehead was now pressed up against mine as I prop myself up on my elbows.

My eyes gazing up at him and I couldn't figure out what he was feeling let alone thinking. "I love you so very much." He blurted which had me jumping for joy.

Pulling at his tie he loosened it and tossed it aside. I don't know why he continues to wear his suit and tie out of business. It's just too many clothing on for one person. Slipping his hand under my shirt he had removed it effortlessness and I had let me.

Soon he did the same to himself.

His chest was bare aside from those scratch marks now on his chest. My fingers trailing each scratch mark made by another.


I heaved, as i gently took her hand, "Kiss me." I spoke firmly. "Here." Placing her hand on my chest.

Doing as I say, She ran her tongue all over, erasing what ever memory that was embedded in my mind and hers.

I was now holding myself up as I was on my knees placing myself between her legs. My dick had gotten hard with even the mere touch of her. It has always been this way. And the control, the urge to do it with her was slowly waning while I was slowly yearning to be in her.

Removing my belt and my pants to free myself I watch her not taking her eyes off of me as I slowly removed the rest of her clothing as well.

I was now sitting up while my legs were straighten as she placed herself between me.

Licking her lips I felt her tongue stroke me up and down. "Ugh." My shoulders shrugged before it tense.

Just watching her lick my pre-cum off had me wanting more.

"Come up here baby." I pulled her up, her body on her knees as I grabbed her ass and flip her around.

Now she was on top of me while the smell of her arousal hoovered just above my face.

Not saying anything she continued to shove my dick into her mouth while I buried my face into her pussy, my arms wrapped around her.

"Oh, Dylan." She gasps while clutching onto my thighs.

Lightly playing with her clitoris she would tremble in place. Her nails were digging into my skin but I didn't mind.

"Mmm..." Her voice was muffled with my dick in her mouth. Bucking my hips I thrusted upwards.

"Dylan." She release as I felt her orgasm into my mouth.

Lightly removing her from my body, I lifted her up, her legs quivering as I attempted to kiss her she turned her face, "You um, you swallowed my um..." She blushed as I aimed for another kiss. "You need to rinse your mouth first."

I only chuckled before grabbing her chin to face me, "Why don't you taste yourself."

Her eyes widen as I had once again claimed her lips, shoving my tongue deep down in her throat.

Grabbing hold of her breast I pulled on her nipples, "Mmm..." She moaned backing into the wall my dick poking her belly.

Lifting one of her legs I held on to it while she places it above my waist. My hands holding her legs in place as I had placed my dick at the entrance. Her arm was now thrown around me not breaking the kiss once until I proceeded in very slow motion she gasps as I felt myself breaking her hymen as blood slowly trickled down her legs. She gasped and I paused letting her get use to me.

Releasing the kiss her eyes glossed over as he legs weakened. My other hand placed behind her hoisting her up. I felt her grip tightened on me. "Dylan."

"Shh," I claimed her mouth running my tongue down her chin towards her neck as I nibbled on her marking her as mine. Her neck had extended as I pushed myself further into her. Her nails digging at the back of my skin causing me to hiss but didn't mind it at all.

Once I was all the way in, I had felt her relax until I slowly pulled out and slowly thrusting upwards.
Oh fuck, I wanted to yell. My skin was tingling at just the touch of her now it feels even more so just being inside her.

Gasping for air, I continued in rather slow motion to take what I wanted, what I needed. And I need her, every breath, every touch, every sight, makes me wanting more.

Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around me as I gently laid her on the bed. With her eyes shut, I watch her face contort in anguish making me ease myself into her. Her lips were now parted as my teeth grazed her chin, leading up to her beautiful lips.

"Ahh..." She moaned, her hands now on my chest lightly scratching it.

My self was building and I could feel myself about to explode. "Bella, fuck! I'm cumming." I grunted. The need to release was eminent.

"Please." She begged, "More, faster." She urged.

Taking this as my cue, I sat on my knees, parting her legs open as I jammed myself into her. Her face was just a sight to see as her breathing now becoming erratic.


"Baby..." My eyes squinted, my movements becoming sloppy. Beads of sweat was now rolling off my skin.

Throwing my head slightly backwards I felt myself release, ""

Looking back at her, she looked even more beautiful. Her bangs were matted to her forehead, her lips was big and swollen and her skin glistened below me.

Pulling out, she manage to sit up, gasping for air, as her hands cup my cheeks.

Her thumb pressing against my lips while I gave it gentle pecks, I don't know why I waited this long to make love to her. I wanted her first time to be special, but anywhere with her is special.

Grabbing the back of her neck I pulled her up till she was at least eye level with me before my lips connected with hers.

The feeling at this very moment, this feeling where I don't think I could ever part with her for whatever reason, if only she knew she is the other half of my soul, "I love you Ms. Isabella Stone."

"And I will always love you."

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