Private Plane

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"Oh my god. You own this?" I was now on his private plane. A plane, it was more like a house on wings.

"I take it you are impressed."

Being impressed is an understatement. This is actually the first time I have ridden on a plane.

We were now on our way to New York. Early this morning Mr. Saunders and I had dropped of Jack to Reynold's house, his close friend.

At first it was hard to let him go. It was my first time or will be my first time being away from him. But when I saw his wife and his cute daughter, Jack and her had hit it off ignoring me.

I wanted to cry and changed my mind but Mr. Saunders reassured me he will be fine.

So now here I am all packed and on his plane.

"Take a seat Bella."


He nodded his head. They were more like sofas. Taking a seat I found them very comfortable.

While I was admiring the sofa Mr. Saunders had sat next to me which had my heart flutter. Really close though as in if I had moved I would be touching him. I mean there are other places to sit so why he choose to sit next to me is beyond me.

"So how long is this flight?" I asked curiously.

"About nine hours." He leaned back like nine hours was nothing.

"Nine hours! What are we going to do then?"

Closing his eyes, "Nothing just sleep. It's a perfect time to sleep when there is absolutely nothing to do."

Shifting towards him he was now asleep. Couldn't he at least keep me company.

The stewardess was walking around, there was two actually a man and a woman who at least offered me some snack.

That's what I can do, is eat and get fat. I never use to worry about how much weight I would put on but the food that Mr. Saunders had given me that one night is still sitting in my kitchen. It would take me a whole year just to finish that.

Aside from that I also left a note for my father just in case he comes back looking for me.

After my snacks I opt to wake the great sleeping Mr. Saunders. I wonder if he would get mad at me.

With my fingers I lightly poked his cheeks, and I got nothing. His lips however parted and every once in a while his nose would flare while breathing. It was cute actually. Never in my wildest dream I would be this close to him where I could practically do anything to him.

And an idea pop in my head. If he gets mad then he can fire me but damn well he wouldn't be able to replace me.


Tiny fingers was poking my face. Sure I felt it but I remained asleep. It felt very comfortable that I hadn't realize once again I went back down under.

The bump from the plane had woken me up. Opening my eyes I shifted my head to find the seat next to me empty.

"Bella." I whispered sitting up. Her seat was extremely cold stating that she has been gone for sometime.

She couldn't have gotten far because where else could she go.

Standing up, my gazed scanned the room to find her not here. My stewardess on the other hand were getting comfortable in their stations, "Where is Bella." I asked only for the two of them to snicker and trying not to laugh. What the hell was so funny? "Did I say something funny?" At the tone of my voice their smile dropped and their laughter had died down turning into nervous chuckles.

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