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What the fuck is this?  A resignation later, her resignation later.  I thought I was just doing her a favor, Ivy Nelson.  When she came to me in New York I was angry at her for even wasting my time and yet here she is in London asking me for help.

She was a model a beautiful model at one point but now no body wanted her because of her age.  Instead they wanted someone young and vibrant.  Granted she still looks good.

And her small business she had ran bankrupt so now here she is begging me for help.  After all the trouble she had caused me in the past she has the nerve to ask me for help.

A part of me wanted to refuse, hell I wanted to kick her to the curb but when she started crying I knew I couldn't.  The other part of me had a soft heart for her.

Right now this morning she came crying in my office broke as hell.  She had no money and the bank had confiscated everything so I thought giving her a job here in my company would help her out as well unfortunately she may have the body of a goddess she is not very bright with only a high school diploma.  And people know that I always hire people who graduated with honors in college.

So instead I had agreed to take her as an intern and who better to train her is Bella. She'd be perfect.

But when I had pitched that towards her, I admit her reaction was one I was not expecting.

So here I am with her resignation in my hand.  I was just shock she thought I was replacing her.  Truth be told no one can replace Bella.  She is one hell of a secretary and PA.

"Just let her be."  Ivy's voice rang in my ears causing me to look up.  And before you know it she was gone.

Isabella Stone was just gone just like that.

Her words started to echo in my head.  When I had walked in on her this morning surrounded by my employees I wanted to fire them all for believing such rubbish.  Especially Macy.  I thought she and her would be best of friends.  I was wrong, people can be so judgmental.

"I will do a much better job than her."  Ivy purred in my ears sending shivers down my spine. 

"Do you honestly think I would replace her with you."  I sarcastically mock, "She is irreplaceable and if you don't play nice I'll have no problem kicking you out.  Just be thankful I pity you."

She looked taken back by my words, "So it's true."

"What's true."

"Today's paper, she did sleep her way to the top because for what ever reason you rather have her as your PA then me."  She threw today's papers at me.

"I don't know what you have read," I raised my voice not only for Ivy but for my employees too, "But Isabella Stone had gotten this position based on her merit."

"And her child?"

"What about him?"

"Is he yours too?"

"I don't know how that is any of your concern in fact I should be chasing my PA right now." 

Side stepping Ivy I felt her hand grip my arm, "Please Dylan I will do a much better job then her.  You know we would make a great team."

Maybe once upon a time we would have made  a great team but after what she had done I don't think I could trust her let alone with my company.

"Please Dylan."  Ivy begged, "What ever happened in the past I'm sorry."

Harshly grabbing my arm away "Let's not go there, now I agreed to give you a job here because some part of me cares for you and will always care for you but our time is over."

"Dylan you don't mean that.  You can't mean that."

"I do Ivy."  I made my way towards the elevator only to be blocked off by her.

"No, you will not go after her.  After all this years are you telling me you don't feel anything for me any more."

I hesitated at her question.  Sure I will always care for her.  We were child hood friends who grew up together.  She was my best friend and we had done everything together and I mean everything.  I would have given her the world too.  Hell she was my first kiss, the first girl I had lost my virginity too.

But now I can't even stand the sight of her.  A part of me loath her and the other part cares deeply for her.  I guess I had tried to forget her but she was always buried deep in my mind.

"No, I do not feel anything for you anymore."  I lied.  No point in telling her the truth if I want nothing to do with her.  She will only get her hopes up.

"As I said I don't believe you.  Please tell me you don't love me anymore, look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me."  Grabbing my hand she placed them above her chest.

What could I say?  Just say no I don't love you.  But why was it so hard.  She was my first love, my first everything. 

Memories of us suddenly flash through my mind, our prom, our late night talks.  She was never so daring.  She was always timid as I recall but ever since she let modeling get to her head, I didn't know who she was.

"I should not have let you talk me into doing business with me.  It was a mistake I am now regretting and it will never happen again."  I replied curtly regarding New York.

"Oh come now, you enjoyed it as much as I did." She smiled.

Back in New York I had almost fell for her again. Sure she had given me a mind blowing blow job and I did had feel her up but when I had began to even touch her she had appeared in my mind Bella.  Almost forgetting about her.  Thank goodness I had the courage to push her off.  Unfortunately by the time I had search for Bella she was gone along with my driver.

Never again, I will never again be tempted or fooled by this woman before me.

As I was deep in thought my eyes piercing down her blouse which she was sporting for me I could feel myself harden.

"Oh, see junior here says otherwise."  Ivy placed her hand on my crotch. 

"Ivy."  I hissed backing her away.  We were in front of the elevator when suddenly she had pulled my hand and dragged me to my office.

As if my leg had a mind of his own, it willingly followed Ivy.

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