"What do you mean you're out?" He raised his arm showing his tattoo of a shark.
"As I said I am out." I growled. It has been fun for the past year but my business is slowly declining.
"No, you can't leave, once you are in there is only one way out and that is through this," he held up a gun waving it at my face.
"Are you threatening me?" I barked, "Because you know damn well what I can do to this little charade of yours."
"And what the hell does that mean? This is my business, this is my life. It's because of me you are able to forget that whore you call a wife or have you forgotten. It was I who pulled you from the gutter and you just want to walk away." He yelled.
I however didn't falter. For the past year I was in a dark place, a place that I shouldn't have been.
"Look Emilio if I want I, then I am out and no one is going to tell me otherwise." I snapped.
"And what about me, we are friends oldest friends if I can remember and you are just going to turn your back on me?"
"Not on you but just this business of yours."
"This is also your business as well. My father and yours had founded this business. This is my legacy as well as yours."
"I have my other business to take care of that I had created, not my father's but mine and I'll be damn if you will bring me down along with you."
He cackled, "You think my business is going down. Look around you. Look at all the poor saps wasting their money, throwing their lives away and for what, a few chips. Honestly there will always be people like you."
"Well I was wrong to turn to you..." Just then another man just like me entered the room.
"Are you coming or what?" The man spoke huskily.
"You too, you are leaving as well?" He was angry, so angry that his veins where popping out of his head.
"Hey man, I am only here for my friend. If he goes so do I."
I smiled. He is truly one of a kind.
Pointing the gun towards me and my friend, "I can kill you right here." With a snap of his fingers two briskly man stood by his sides all in black with shades on. Who wears shade in a room with dim lights?
"Do you want to go there?" I challenged. Standing next to my friend with our hands in our pocket. I stared at him deep in the eyes showing him no fear. "You know who I am and I can have this whole operation of yours shot down the legal way if I have to." I'm not into guns nor am I into anything that can get thrown behind bars but like I said I was lost for a time and now being on the verge of bankruptcy I had to get my head in the game otherwise I'd be found dead in some gutter.
"Fine." The man put his gun downs, "But do not come crawling back to me when she makes your life a living hell once again."
"I was in hell and now it's time to pull myself out." I smirked. "This is good bye old friend." I don't intend on ever seeing him again.
With one last chuckled he nodded his head, "Good by Woods, Good bye Saunders."
"Daddy." I jolted from my sleep at my desk in my home. Apparently I had fallen asleep at my computer. "Daddy."
Following the sound of his voice I made it to his room where he just woken from his nap, "Hey son."
"I want mummy."
"I know, it's time to find her." Two days she has been taken and I don't even know if she is dead or alive.
Bringing Jack down stairs Nelly greeted us and made Jack a snack while I just watch him eat.
'Frankie Emilio.' Thought I wouldn't even hear his name again. After I left his home, I never thought twice of him. Never went back to him for what ever reason. Even if I was dug in a hell hole I just drank myself away.
Thankfully Asher has always been at my side.
"Dylan," Nelly called, "What's the matter Dylan?"
"Nothing." I shook my head before dialing his number, "Meet me at my house now." I ordered before hanging up the phone.
After Jack's snack I let him play with his toys in the living room until he entered the room, "What is so important that you had ordered me here."
"Why, were you busy?" I cockily raised my brow.
"I was in the middle of having a mind blowing se..."
"Stop," I cringed not wanting to picture him and some girl.
His eyes soon fell on Jack in the corner, "Where is Bell?"
"Gone for now."
"What do you mean gone?"
It took me at least twenty minutes to rehash what had happened.
"Fuck me." He responded.
"No, fuck Frankie Emilio."
"Are you sure it was Emilio?"
"Most definitely. Where do you think he is staying?"
"I don't know but I can find out?"
"Good, oh and Asher, I need that information in five minutes."
"What the hell Dylan. First you drop this bomb on me and expect me to retrieve this information for you in five minutes."
"So you can't do it?" I smacked my lips together.
"No, I can it's just I hate being rushed to do these things."
"You're such a pussy." I lowered my voice so Jack wouldn't be able to hear me. When Bella comes home and Jack ends up saying that word I'd be dead in her eyes.
"Language boss. And what do we do once we find him."
"What we do best?"
"Bombs and guns the whole nine yards?"
"You know it." I don't know what Bella has to do with Emilio but I should have shut down his operation when I had the chance.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...