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All after noon Bella was quiet. Not once had she entered my office with a smile.

I wanted to ask what was bothering her but she left in quite a haste.

Nearly 5:00 and I was still up to neck with paper works of which I needed a break.

'Time to check me email.'

Firing up gmail I had recieved an email from Bella herself. Made me wonder what could possible be in that email that she couldn't tell me herself.

This was actually a first. Opening up the email there was a doctument attached to it.

Once I downloaded it shock virbrated through my chest, 'Resignation later.' Her resignation letter.'

I didn't even read it when I stormed out of m office to find her desk completely bare. All that was on it was the computer I had gifted her, her cell phone as well as her jewelry.

My fist was now clenching as I headed straight for the elevator, "Mr. Saunders."

I was stop by Macy. "What is it?"

"You have a meeting shortly."

"Cancel that."

"But Mr. Saunders..." I didn't have time, maybe Bella was still here. I could catch up to her and have her explain.

Heading one floor below I was greeted by Tammy, "Good evening Mr. Saunders."

"Good evening." My voice drawled eye scanning to entire floor for Jack. "Jack." I mumbled.

"Oh Ms. Stone picked him up already."

"How long?"


"How long ago was that?"

"About thirty minutes ago." Leaving her agape I headed down stairs only to meet my driver who was suppose to drive them home.

"Mr. Saunders."

"Ms. Stone?"

"Oh she left long ago."

"And you didn't drive her?"

"She said she had errands..." I didn't wait till he was finished.

Hopping in my car I sped and probably broke all sorts of driving regulations on the wall until I came to her apartment complex.

Marching up the stairs I stood there now in front of her door, pounding, "Bella!" I screamed only to received no answer. "Bella!" I yelled again. Who cares if I was disturbing the neighbors.

All I could hear from the inside of the door was nothing but silence. "If you don't fucking open the door I will tear this door down." I threaten until a man from across came out of his apartment in a bathrobe.

"Will you shut the fuck up?" He growled.

Looking at him, I glared at him menacingly to where he had silently re-entered back into his apartment.

"Bella! Open the god damn door." My fist was now red from all that pounding but I didn't care. I know she's in there.

"Excuse me sir." Turning around I was met with an elderly lady. Now unlike the man from before this lady looked kind, "If you are looking for Bella she hasn't returned home yet."

"I see. If and when she comes back could you let me know please." I handed her my card. If I tell her to have Bella call me instead I'm sure I'd be waiting forever.

How dare she give me a resignation letter and thru email. She doesn't even have the courage to give it to me personally.

The lady take the card from me, "Are you a friend or..."

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