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Yesterday's first date wasn't too bad. If I want to be in denial. It was just too perfect.

Now here I am on his king size bed, his legs intertwining with mine, my head on his chest and my arm around his torso.

The tattoo on his chest seemed to pop out every time he would flex the muscles on his chest. How does he do that? Now looking at more closely I can see it is very detail, a beautiful piece of art work.

For months I would wake up in his arms and he would take me to bed aside from spending his time with Jack who should be going to preschool soon considering he is now two years old.

Flash back of what just happened yesterday had me turning beat red. I have never acted so bold before but the sight of Mrs. Harper Walker one of his many flings had sent me over the edge and I just had to, claim what is mine.

Even though that wasn't the first blow job I had given him...I had given him in the past but that's just how far as it goes.

We have never went all the way through or he never pressured me for nothing more than just getting down on my knees. Was something wrong with me? I never initiated it nor have I asked for it and honestly speaking I'm fine with just making him feel good.

Truth be told I'm a little scared. I already struggled with Jack when it was just me, and never thought I would have kids so soon. Sure he mentioned he wanted children but was I ready?

My business is just starting out and I want to focus on that first.

Tracing the outline of his tattoo I heard a slight chuckle before he gentle grabbed my hands to peer down at me, "Morning." He spoke huskily sending shivers down my core.


"What are you thinking of honey?" He said while playing with my fingers that held my new engagement ring.

"That about yesterday..."

"That was an amazing blow job." I blushed at his comment.

"Um...Dylan, why don't you want to have sex with me?" I asked honestly. I think I was ready.

Getting up, he pulled me up along with him making me sit on his lap, "Don't rush it." With his thumb he pulled back my bottom lip.

"But you always had asked for it from other women, why not me? Am I not good enough?" I pouted.

"Bella, I want are time to mean something. You are not just someone, you are just more than any other woman, you will be Mrs. Isabella Saunders." Placing a kiss on my lips he groaned. Once again his dick was poking me in the ass.

"We better get ready for work before we both end up late." I watch him enter the shower, my woman instincts must not be working.

If I can't even get him to have sex with me, I failed as a woman. He has always made excuses at to not go further with me. Whether it was work related or it was family day. As sweet as that sounds when he would make time with me and Jack, I just wish he would do more then just touch me here and there.

Hearing the shower head turn on, and idea popped into my head. I also needed a shower. And we can save water if we take one together.

Since I was already naked, his words were never go to bed with clothes on.

Opening the bathroom door, the steam was let out and a silhouette of him was displayed.

Slowing opening the glass door I was met with his back muscles as they constrict and flex all together. Stepping in, in one small moved I had thrown my arms around him from behind, "Bella."


"What are you doing?" He asked referring to my hands groping his dick.

"What does it look like?" His breathing had hitch as I began to stroke it, his hand on the wall holding himself up.

He spoke no word, instead he turned around grabbing my shoulder pushing me away. I was rejected?

"We can't?"

"Why?" I asked cutely.

"Because we are already late for work."

Same old excuse.

Dropping to my knees I ran my tongue down his shaft allowing him for no words. While his hands were fighting with him to pull me up he didn't. Good boy.

I felt him lean back against the wall as he had hissed, "Bella..."

His hand now on top my head and just when I thought he was about to pull me up, he did just the opposite, he pushed me further onto his dick.

"Fuck!" He grunted while I wrap my tongue around the head slurping.

Soon he was now thrusting into me, and once again I had felt him tense before exploding into my mouth.

While swallowing his juice I took the chance to look up at him, lust evident in his eyes as he gentle pulled me up and our position has change. Now he was knelt before me throwing one of my legs over his shoulders.

I felt his fingers parted the lips of my sex, "Its time for me to return the favor." His voice so deep.

As he was parting the lips of my sex, I felt his tongue enter me. "Holy fuck!" I grab his hair my legs weakening.

His tongue had work its magic as he kisses, licks, and sucks. He was sending me on an overdrive that had me wanting to submit my body to him fully.

If he can do that with his tongue, imagine what he can do with his dick inside me.

"Dylan," I moaned. My pussy now pulsing and his tongue becoming more aggressive.

"Dylan," I called again as I felt myself building, with my eyes close shut I had orgasm and released into his mouth.

That was amazing. And once again I felt the cold shower. Opening my eyes to find that I was now alone. He literally left me here.

Turning of the shower head, I grabbed a towel and walked back out to find him all ready dressed. That was fast.

"Dylan." I whined not satisfied he had left me hanging.

"Bella, get dress we will be leaving soon. We have to take Jack with us." I don't know why I felt at that moment like a child. Was I not woman enough to full fill his needs. Perhaps I wasn't like the beautiful Ivy Nelson or the gorgeous Mrs. Harper Walker. Maybe he does see me as a child.

Not wanting to ask I just left it at that, got dress and made my way down stairs to find Jack eating breakfast.

I would watch the two interact and I can't help but think perhaps he is with me because of Jack. Not that I am grateful but it got me thinking if I am worth it for him.

Silently sitting down I began to fill my plate with food Drake had prepared, silently.

"Bella." He called my name causing my to look up. "I have been calling you for the past few minutes, is everything okay?"

The fact that you won't have sex with me, I say not. Is what I wanted to say instead I opened my mouth, "Everything is just fine." I said sarcastically. But he must have not read between the lines because he went back to talking with Jack.

Sighing, "Come on Jack, let's go shall we." Not waiting for Dylan, I picked up Jack and headed to his car.

If he wants to be a dick then fine. I can be just as much as a dick as he.

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