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"Bella!" I yelled throwing my keys on one of the end stands hurriedly rushing through the front door.

With big long steps and running up the stairs I slammed our bedroom door open to find it empty. My hope came crashing down when I didn't see her laying on our bed.

Heading towards Jack's room it was also empty. No! "Bella! Jack!" I yelled opening every door in this house. Why do I have so much rooms?

I was in a state of panic when I couldn't find either of them.

"Dylan." A worried Nelly came by my side, "What's happening?"

"Bella, Jack, where are they?"

"Gone sir."

"Gone! What do you mean gone." I was practically screaming at the poor woman who seemed unfazed by my behavior. She must be used to it by now.

"I mean she and Jack went out for some family time."

My body relax when Nelly had put my worries to rest, "Why would you think they'd be gone?"

"I..uh...because I miss dinner."

"Oh, dinner? I thought you knew?"

"Know what?"

"Well when she came home last night she had told me you were busy that's why you couldn't make it home."

"Busy?" All the color from my face drained. "Explain to me Nelly, she went out last night?"

"I thought she talked to you seeing she couldn't get a hold of you. She came home saying you were busy at the office."

Grabbing her shoulders I was almost shaking her, "Tell me, had she visited me at my office?"

"That's where she said she was going?"

Fuck! Grabbing my keys I stormed out of the house, "Where are you going now?" Nelly yelled but I continue towards my car.

Driving slowly down the road I was looking for all the places her and Jack would go. She wasn't at the park nor the library, and she wasn't with Mrs. Louis.

I almost gave up when I saw a reflection at the window of her and Jack in an ice cream parlor just in our neighborhood.

Parking the car I made my way in, now I don't know how to explain myself or if she would believe me. I just hope she would understand me in someway.

"Ehem." I took a seat next to Jack only for Bella to gaze at me with a shock expression.


"Hi there son, what are you eating?" I smiled.

"Ice cream, want a lick." Jack offered me his ice cream to where I had given it a small lick.

"Chocolate, can I have a bite too?"

" have big mouth, you'll eat'm all if I let you." He proceeded to eat his ice cream getting it all over his mouth.

Turning my attention to Bella she gave me a small smile which confused me a bit. Here I am worried if she is angry at me or worried in what she had seen but she is smiling at me.

"How was work?" She asked looking away.

"Work was uh...did you come see me last night?"

"No, I was about to but I got stuck in traffic." She grinned. I don't know what to believe because Nelly had told me something different. "Why was I suppose to not come?"

"No..I mean I'm sorry I miss dinner. It's just closing the deal with Mr. Rash was..."

"I know and were you able to close the deal?"

"Yes, and I wanted to celebrate with you last night but I kinda fell asleep." Why the hell did I just lie?

Because she would never forgive you if she knew the truth. My inner self reprimanded me. "How bout you, me and Jack celebrate right now?"

"Actually I'm kind of tired. I think I should take Jack home for a nap." Cleaning up Jack I watch her walk out with me behind her. I wanted to insists to celebrated but she did look rather tired and her eyes were a bit swollen. Maybe she just needs rest.

It was quiet in the car aside from Jack's babbling Bella just sat there looking out the window. Once we had gotten home, she didn't even look back at me. Instead she picked up Jack and went straight to his room. But before I could enter she slammed the door in my face.

I felt rejected at that moment. She said she didn't go to the office, she doesn't know right? Probably just mad I had miss dinner.

It was the first time she was actually silent. I have never known her to be this silent. She always had something to say or rebuked.

For now I thought I'd let her be. Kicking off my shoes in my room and stripping of my clothes, I headed for the shower. I needed to wash myself up when I had glance at the mirror to see claw marks on my chest. It's like I had fought with a cat and lost.

Fucking shit. Bella can't see this. And I have always slept without a shirt on how the hell am I suppose to sleep with one on.

"Dylan." Bella knocked on the door. Shit. Grabbing a towel I had wrapped around my upper half trying to conceal these scratches on me and quickly locking the door.


"Why is the door lock can I come in?" I never had to lock the door before, I never had to hide anything from her before and here I am like a mouse caught in a trap.

"Um...I just need to wash up."

"Okay but I need to talk to you." She sounded desperate and I wanted her to sound anything but.

"How bout tomorrow. I'm a bit tired. I'll talk to you later." I had shooed her away.

She never said anything but I could hear her retreating foot steps. How the hell am I suppose to tell her what happened.

You are a coward. I looked at myself in the mirror angrily. My fist grasping the edge of the sink as my knuckles turn white. "Fucking April." The first thing after I get a shower is call Bill and let her know I'm sending her daughter to him.

Just then another knock was sounded at my door, "Bella I'll be out in a minute."

A few seconds pass by before I froze, "It's me April."

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