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Here I am about to steal a kiss from the one who now occupies my heart and mind. Screw the rule of not dating an employee. For her I will scrap that.

Inches away, I smiled inwardly, "Breath." I lightly ordered. She was warm and her lips was just so inviting.

Seconds away, her lips quivered at my touch. I'm glad I could make her feel this way. I do hope it is only me.

Suddenly my phone rang letting me know I have a text messages. Whoever I'll just text them back later until it rang again.

Shit! I would give them hell whoever it was to disturb me.

Pulling away I took one glance at her, her cheeks were heating up as she turned her face from me.

Pulling out my cell phone and opened my unread message I gasped. Anger flew through my body as I had felt my blood boil.


My train of thoughts of killing someone was interrupted by Bella.

"I..uh..I have to go." Not wasting a moment I kissed Jack on the forehead before storming out the door. To say Bella looked disappointed was an understatement. But I had to fix this first.

Finally arriving at her house I banged on the door, "Ivy!"

Slowly opening the door, she was in a see three thin piece of material as she threw her body on me.

Pushing her inside I didn't want any nose neighbor before I harshly pushed her away.

"What the hell is this?" I showed her the message she just sent.

"That is us silly."

"You video taped us fucking!" I was now yelling. Who in the right mind would do this?

"Do you want some eggnog?" She ignored me.

"Don't fucking ignore me, Ivy."

"Well can you blame me I wanted to spend Christmas with you. I'm lonely."

"Bitch." I yelled fuming in rage and anger. I have never shown any hatred to her until now. "Where the hell is the original?" I growled.

"Oh somewhere." She snickered while flaunting her body at me.

"What the fuck Ivy." My eyes were red and my blood was on fire. My fist now clenching. I wish I could punch her.

"Oh I didn't want to spend Christmas alone." She sobbed.

"Why don't you find some other poor sob to spend Christmas with." I turned around heading for the door when she grabbed me.

"Don't you dare walk out on me or I will send this video to Bell." She threatened, "And the media would have a field day with this."

"What the hell do you want?"

"It's always the same thing, Dylan, I want you." She pressed her breast against me.

"Not this time." I can't believe this, believe her, I left Bella and Jack at home on this day.

"Do not call my bluff Dylan. Bell is on speed dial and I wont hesitate to send her a video of us the reason why you ditched her that day."

"You came on to me." I snapped.

"True but none the less we still made love." She pursed her lips together.

"You call that making love, the way I say it, I just fuck you like the fucking whore you are."

My head had whipped so fast as her hand started to sting, "Don't call me that and whether you admit it or not what we had, you felt it too. Admit it, you miss having sex with me, touching me."

"How can anyone miss a frigid girl." I insulted causing her to turn beat red.

"Fine, go, I'll just send this video to Bell." She had her fingers on her cell key pad.




Lunch has pass and I ate alone with Jack. It was the same thing at home so why bother even come here if he was going to ditch me.

"Do you want more chicken?"

"Oh no thanks Nelly but tell Drake it was delicious, I'm just stuff thank you."

"I don't know what happened to that boy?" Nelly looked beat. "You know child ever since he has spoken about you his mood would change into a upbeat tone. I even caught him singing in the bathroom."

"He sings?"

"Yes he does. He use to sing when he was ma..." Nelly stopped.

"It's okay Nelly, I know all about Ivy."

"Well yeah until she broke his heart then he changed."

Jack grabbed more chicken. "Oh really what happened." Again I'm just being nosy.

"She cheated on him."

My eyes widen in shock. How could anyone cheat on him. He was someone every girl wants.

The clock dinged stating it was already ten o'clock. "Well Nelly thank you for dinner but Jack and I have to go home."

"Please stay, I'm sure sir will be back soon."

"I wish I could but maybe my dad would be home today." I lied yet hope brimmed my eyes.

"Very well, let me pack you some food and I'll have our driver take you back." After our pack food I handed Nelly a box that was for Dylan.

"Give them to him please, its my Christmas gift to him."

Taking it Nelly looked at me sadly before waving me off.

It was a long drive, still no calls or text from Dylan wherever he may be.

As I was entering my keys the door slammed opened, and my tears had burned, "Dad!" I screamed, setting Jack down and running up to him.

I missed him, his warmth his touches, he still smells the same, "You're here."

"Merry Christmas darling." He hugged me back.

"Are you hungry, I could make you some food?"

He shook his head no, "I had already eaten. And I see you are doing well for yourself." He motioned towards my fully stock kitchen.

"Hi Jack." Jack only looked at me and went to play with his toys.

"Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry but I'm here now to spend Christmas with you."

At first I was disappointed that I didn't get to spend Christmas with Dylan as planned by with my dad my lack of hope had turned upside down.

"I got you a present." I handed my dad his gift only for him to quickly unwrap it.

"It's beautiful." Dad trailed his fingers up and down the frame, his eyes were now tearing probably reliving the happy family we once were.

Placing the frame is on the table we both admire the happy family. Mom she looked happy and Dad he looked well groomed, not some drunkard man, then there was me. I was only a younger teen when this last picture was taken of us. And last another girl much older than me. Some even say she can pass as my twin but we were different in away. My older sister Annabell.

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