One more month. I kept chanting to myself. Being the mature one is no picnic. I have to deal with her childish antics. When is she going to leave?
Dylan seemed to not mind. Well he doesn't seem like he is also tolerating her behavior. Her intrusion has gotten worse over time.
And I think it is taking a toll on myself as well as Dylan. Everyday she would offer him lunch and everyday he had refuse only to eat lunch with Jack and I which by the way warmed my heart.
Today shouldn't be any different right. Jack was with Mrs. Louis today. Yes I still visit her along with Jack. He keeps her company so not to be lonely seeing Mrs. Louis is a widow.
"Dylan, ready to go to lunch." I looked around seeing no April today which had me relief.
"I would love to but today I have to finish this proposal first before lunch ends." He smiled sadly. He has been getting busy lately and I would know. Work just keep piling up.
"Okay." I left defeated and decided to grab lunch down at my cafe to bring it up to him. He wouldn't mind eating lunch in his office while I just watch him work.
Grabbing lunch took me at least ten minutes before I was now outside his door about to enter it when I heard laughter. It was him and another girl. Opening the door my eyes grew wide as the familiar woman turned around, April. On his desk were empty plate trays, "Bella, your back early. Didn't you go to lunch?"
Is this why he didn't want to come lunch with me so he can have lunch with her? The look on April's face, I wanted to slap that smug smile off.
"Actually I thought I would bring you your lunch but since you have eaten I'll just have this at the cafeteria." I slammed the door before he could say anything and ran down the cafeteria only for him to call after me.
Just as I could enter the elevator I felt a tug on my arm, "Bella wait." I refused to turn around. If I did I might end up crying.
"I didn't know she would bring me lunch today."
"Right like she has been doing that every single day."
"That's not what I meant. I mean basically she set the food up when I told her I was busy."
"So you had lunch with her then?" I refused to turn around.
"Bella," look at me.
When I didn't he gently flip me around my eyes beginning to water, "I didn't eat her food. She just wouldn't leave."
"Is that why you were laughing with her?" I questioned.
"Bella, I promise you nothing is going on." He looked like he was telling the truth. "Is that food for me."
I nodded my head, "Good I'm hungry." He smiled before leading me to the cafeteria while I watch him eat.
I just sat there eating silent while I watch him talk. In these days that I have known him there is one of two things. When he is lying he talks too much. Usually he was never much of a talker but it's when he wouldn't stop is when he is lying.
"Stop!" I silently yelled.
"What, what did I say?"
"It's not what you said, its what you didn't say?"
"I don't understand." He looked at me completely oblivious.
"Why are you lying?"
"What are you talking about?"
If someone was lying to me I wasn't just going to not say anything. I would want the truth even if it hurts.
"You are hiding sometime from me and if you do not tell me I will get up now and leave." I threaten trying to hold authority in my voice.
If Dylan defends himself regardless I will just leave right now.
When he saw me, he knows I am not joking, "Okay. I confess I had eaten her lunch."
"So why did you tell me you didn't?"
"Because I knew you would be hurt."
"What would hurt me is the fact that you would lie to me in front of my face." How dare he have lunch with a woman who is pinning after him. "You do know she is infatuated with you, the fact that you had lunch with her is giving her hope."
He began to open his mouth before closing it again. He knew I was right. "I'm sorry I just I didn't expect to finish before you got back for lunch and the fact that she had lunch I was a bit hungry."
I was angry. He could have called me and ask me to bring him something or come down and join me but he didn't. Instead he ate her food.
Standing up, "Where are you going?"
"Mr. Saunders I'm going back to my desk."
"But you haven't even touch your food."
"I'm not hungry anymore, just throw it away if you are too full to eat it." I had lost my appetite and didn't wait for him to finish.
Back at my desk I watch the clock tick by.
Dylan hasn't said anything to me nor did I. I wasn't going to say anything and didn't want to.
Finally the day has ended and it was time to go home. "Mr. Saunders, work hours are over."
Not once he looked up at me, "I have to do this one first and call Mr. Rash. We need to make sure he invest with us but you go home first. I'll send my driver to take you home and pick up Jack." This was a first. Was he angry at me? He had no right to be. In fact it should be me to be angry at him.
"Are you going to be home for dinner?"
"Of course." He finally looked up at me and smiled.
Sighing I left.
Picking up Jack I gave him a bath, played with him till it was dinner time.
The clock had ticked by and Dylan still wasn't home. "He said he will be home for dinner."
Deciding to call him it was forwarded to his voice mail. Again in about four times it was still the same thing.
Then I called his office and again voice mail.
Sitting at the dinning table was lonely. I had put Jack to bed after feeding him and Dylan's food had gotten cold.
At least he could have called me. Just as if it dinged in me April wasn't even here too.
Worry began to seep in.
"Nelly!" I yelled.
"What is it dear?"
"I'm going to go fetch Dylan please watch Jack for me."
With a quick nod from her I took one of his cars. His driver is probably asleep and I do know how to drive I just never drove any of his fancy cars before, I just hope I don't dent it. God knows what he would do to me if I did.
Speeding down the highway I parked in one to the stalls before silently making my way up. The security had greeted me and my heart wouldn't stop beating as my mind were now running wild.
It was like everything was going slow. Even the elevator took forever getting to his floor.
Finally making it to his door it was eerily quiet with a small light probably coming from his lamp desk.
With a creak, my eyes had widen, article of clothing's were every where a man and woman. My eyes making its way to his couch while tears began to flow. There a very naked April in the arms of Dylan who was sleeping on his chest soundly. And their light breathing and snoring could be heard.
Slowly closing the door I left quietly, with a broken heart.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...