Waking up naked with the music blasting and with a blond was always a good day for me until her face came to mind, "Bella." The sound of her name on my lips had my eyes instantly shooting open. A cold chill embraced my naked flesh.
"Oh hey, you are awake." The blond cooed next to me as I sat up from my bed. Who the hell was this lady? Was I that fucking drunk to come home with her.
"Who are you and did we..." My eyes notice she was clutching the blanket against her body, her naked body.
"Last night was fun." She purred.
My head was now throbbing, "Bella." I repeated her name with a hum.
"Bella? No it's Amber." She corrected. I didn't fucking care.
"Was there anyone else here?" I asked afraid of her answer. If Bella was next door I shudder to think what she would have heard.
"Like who, it's just you and me baby." She leaned her head against my shoulders only for me to push her off. "Babe what's wrong?"
Grabbing a towel from the bathroom I wrapped it around me seeing I couldn't find my shorts while splashing my face with water and stormed out of the room to find my living room empty and turning off the radio. Fuck I need a drink. And no, not that drink but my throat was dry.
Following me and in my shirt was that same blond, "Leave." I demanded lowly.
"But babe..."
"Get the fuck out." I raised my voice.
"I don't understand didn't we had a good time last night." Her voice was soft.
A good time last night? Hell I don't even remember what happened last night.
"The woman I was with where is she?" Rushing towards her room I called for her, "Bella!"
"Bella? It's Amber. Who the hell is Bella?"
"The girl I was with..."
"Girl? What girl." The blond titled her chin, "Are you talking about the girl who came by here last night?"
Last night? "Explain." I asked menacingly.
The blond shook from my stare, "I well, I sort of slam the door on her face last night."
"You did what?" I bellowed. "Why the fuck would you have done that?"
"So we didn't get disturb besides you didn't seem to mind when you had asked me last night."
I did what? Fuck, I was drunk and I vaguely remember someone but damn I thought it was room service. "She lives here too."
"I didn't know..."
"Why the fuck didn't you let her inside." This was maddening, she left Bella out.
I had to find her. Opening the front door, I was met with a soft small thud as Bella flew backwards.
She was half a sleep, her face smudge with make up giving her complexion a light blue chill.
Once on contact, she was freezing. Shit, how long was she outside for.
After I had demanded for the blond to leave which she reluctantly did, I made sure Bella was now safely in her bed room. How stupid could I be to get that drunk and leave her to tend for herself.
Good thing too, now that she is warm and comfy.
Being here for the past few days of New York didn't sit well with her. After all her time being here didn't warm her with a nice welcoming. I do hope it didn't put her off in the near future.
For now I'm just glad she is safe.
Today is the expedition. Some of the investors and some of those big business companies are going out on an excursion. To me it is more like a competition between competitors and we have to bring our PA. I just hope Bella is up for such a task.
You would think the CEO's of the companies are more competitive just wait for their PA. Each one showing their strengths and knowledge. I wasn't worried however. Though Bella hasn't even finished college I am highly confident of her skill. Not once had she disappointed me.
Then on our last day as promised I would take her around New York. Show her that there are good side to New York perhaps see the Statue of Liberty because you do not go to New York without seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time.
This should be fun. It's too bad though, if we had more time I would show her the falls. Next time though and this time we will bring Jack.
"Bella, are you ready?" Glancing at the mirror one last time, I fixed my tie.
"Yes." Bella walked out of her room sporting black leggings and a long shirt with a shoulder off the top. I am not usually one for just t shirts and regular clothes, I prefer my secretary aka PA to wear something professional but Bella manages to always look good in what ever she wears. Makes me wonder how she would look in my t-shirts.
Fuck, what the hell did I just say. Rule number two, never fuck an employee. Well it's not like I want to but the thoughts in my head are not helping.
Bella, though, she makes it hard to not want to. She is not like any other woman I have been with or any other of my previous secretaries, who flaunts their body at me with tight fitting clothes. On the contrary, Bella didn't care what she wore as long as it is presentable and the fact she looks good in anything didn't help my thoughts. And she is always giving me lip. Oh how those lips would do wonders on my...I paused shaking all thoughts of her. She is my PA, an employee of mine, she works for me...I kept on reminding myself.
My eyes trailed up her face, her hair in a pony tail. "What." She gawked at me. Didn't realized I was just staring.
"Your hair is up." Sure she had her hair up in a bun in last night's banquet but usually when we are out on business or in the office her hair is always down.
"Yes I thought I would put it up. My hair is always getting in my face. Maybe it's time I should cut it."
"Don't." I interrupted her thoughts, "I mean I like it long besides it looks nice up, I could see the contour of your face." I complimented causing her face to slightly blush.
Bella is something else. "Get a jacket it maybe cold."
Doing so, she had grabbed a jacket as it was time to start of our day.
Hopefully today goes well, considering she had the first two days didn't start of good but perhaps things will start to look up. What could go wrong right? This time I'd be sure to never let her leave my side.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...