After Bella had left, I felt bad about what had happened today. I didn't mean to lie to her it's just I didn't want her to get hurt.
Now everyone of my employees has left leaving me alone. I had to get this done. Trying to close the deal with Mr. Rash has been proved to be harder than I thought. The man isn't easy to talk to but closing a nine hundred billion dollar deal is proven to be much work.
And once I'm done I get to go home to her. I promise to be there for dinner and I never miss having dinner with her.
"Thank you Mr. Rash, You won't regret doing business with us."
Hanging up the phone I was ecstatic and wanted to share the good news with Bella.
"Dylan you are still here?"
I turned around smiling like a fool when April entered. "April."
"Why are you so happy?"
"I just closed a big deal." I couldn't contain my excitement.
"Well this calls for a celebration." She clapped her hands before turning to my liquor cabinet.
"No time I have to get back home. Bella is waiting for me."
"Oh come on, one drink wouldn't hurt."
Drinking with her would be another mistake. "No thank you." I declined. "I rather celebrate with Bella."
The look at her face had become pure hatred possibly for Bella of course for Bella but then was turned into somewhat softer, "Why? Does Bella also pick out your clothes?" She taunted. "The great Mr. Saunders becomes a softy when it comes to one girl."
I crossed my arms not liking her tone.
"Oh come on Dylan, I have heard the stories of how ruthless you were but ever since her, you've become how shall we say weak." She was taunting me and I wasn't going to play by her games.
"April, I don't care what rumors you may have heard but because of Bella I am a better man." I wasn't going to let her do this to me. I know what she was doing and it wasn't going to work.
Before I knew it she place several shot glasses all filled with strong liquor. "And you expect me to drink all of this?"
"Yea, it is a celebration remember." She drank one shot.
"I'd rather not."
"Tell you what, if you celebrate with me, I will back off. I'm sure by now you know I have been trying with you but if you just have a few shots with me..."
"Fine." If this is the only way to get her to back off, I'd do anything at this point. Sitting back down I took the first shot.
It's been a while since I had a drink and I had missed it. The burning sensation as it flows down my throat. April also took another shot, "Have another one." She pushed me another glass while taking a seat on my desk.
"You will back off and behave yourself and leave me and Bella alone."
"Of course she smiled." Somehow that didn't seem reassuring.
"I think I'll just call it a night." I know what she was doing and I'm not going to fall for it. I don't run a billion dollar company just because I'm stupid or let a child dictate how my life should have been.
"Oh you no fun...." Suddenly the room was starting to spin as I balanced my self on my desk. I can't be drunk. I only had one drink.
Looking back at April, "Did you put something in my drink?"

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...