Christmas Day

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I was still reeling in what happened just moments ago. I couldn't believe we almost, no I can believe. I was just grateful Jack had woken up.

But what's even more shocking was the fact he just called Dylan daddy.

Dylan looked more shock than me. None the less he had picked up a beaming Jack.

"Yes Jack, my son Merry Christmas." He smiled while hugging him.

"Dylan, we can't...this can't continue."

"What can't continue?"

"Whatever is going on. I won't be an escape goat to forget about your wife."

"Ex-wife." He confirmed. "And I am not using you. I am here because I want to be. You, me and Jack here." He waved Jack in front of me like a toy. "Isn't that right son, tell mummy you don't want to part from daddy here."

I don't know if I should find that cute or annoyingly irritated as he is using Jack as a bargaining chip.

"But the video, of you and Ivy..."

"Fu..." He stop himself realizing Jack was listening, "I told you she blackmailed me and..."

"Even so you wanted it, wanted her. What man wouldn't. She's beautiful..."

Dylan tugged on my arm to stop me from ranting, "I admit okay, that she is beautiful and I did found her attractive..."

"Oh great, please continue to tell me more about the love of your life." I rolled my eyes not wanting him to praise Ivy in front of me.

"Let me finish. She is not you."

"Of course not, I'm no model..."

"No you are not, you are smart and intelligent, warm, soft..."

"Are you describing me or a fury animal."

"What no! What I'm saying is I want to hold you and always be near you, cuddle with you when you are cold be the one to put a smile on your face and just be near you."

I felt touched by his words.

"Honestly speaking kissing Ivy was like kissing a dead fish."

Should I laugh? But I couldn't. Reminding me he still kissed her.

"You still kissed her among other things. Your body craved for her and..."

Before i could say anything, he pulled me in for another soft kiss with Jack squish in the middle.

"Eww...mummy and daddy kissing." Jack squinted his eyes causing both of us to pull away and chuckle.

"Are you hungry Jack?" I asked starting to prepare breakfast.

The once needed sleep I felt was no longer there. After what I had almost did I am mostly definitely awake.

I was feeling giddy and overwhelming. A good kind of overwhelming.

"What about you Dylan?"

"Of course honey." Honey? Why does it seem so natural coming from his mouth. I don't think I could get use to this. "By the way when did you get the video."

"Just before I attempted to kick both of you out. Why?"

I could basically hear him in silent anger. His rage was building, "Dylan?"

"Oh nothing." He calmed down when Jack began petting his scruff.

"Do you ever think about shaving?"

"Honestly I wanted to shave before our trip but Jack seems to like it so I chose not too." I was amazed he also wanted to keep Jack happy. Just thinking about all the things that happen makes me wonder what we are, are we just boss and employee, friends with benefits, or boyfriend and girl friend. I had to ask but perhaps later seeing he was playing with Jack.

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