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Ever since I last saw her, I thought I would give her space even if it is only for one day.

The following day I had once again found myself at her apartment yelling for her.

What ever Ivy had said to her she must have really upset. Granted Macy had told me everything of what she could hear. If she thinks she could run from me or take Jack from me she's got another thing coming. Sure Jack isn't mine biological, but he is still mine.

When he had called me dad for the first time, I knew then I never want to let him go and her, that this is my family. Growing up alone was hard considering my parents died shortly after my older brother decided to just leave and I thought I had found a family in Ivy, guess I was wrong because every time I look into Bella's eyes, I see my future in her. I see our kids our live together and I'll be damn if she slips away from me.

Taking a sip of my glass I shot glared at Asher who sat across from me with a blond on my leg, "Dude, lately you have been biting people's ass. She was just a girl. Go find some other girl." He mocked. He was suppose to be here to help me instead he was making me more angry.

"She's not some other girl." I slammed my glass down on the table only for Asher to smile at me.

"Then what the hell are you doing with some blond on your lap?" When he had said that instantly I pushed the blond of me.

"Hey." She yelped before she stormed off.

"She won't even talk to me." Leaning forward I ruffled my hair in frustration.

Asher took another swig of his drink, "I don't know what to tell you man."

It was New Year's Eve and I wanted nothing more than to spend the New Years with Bella and even share my first kiss with her.

"Fuck, I screwed up." I slurred now completely drunk but my mind was still focused. I gazed back at Asher, "Why the fuck are you still here anyway? Don't you have a girl friend to screw?"

Asher just sat there sipping his beer, "Screw her. She can go fuck her neighbor for all I care."

I may have been a womanizer after Ivy had left me for another man but Asher played with woman's heart like yesterday's trash.

"Hey there, care to bye me a drink?" A brunette stumbled towards our table followed by her two other friends.

Asher being Asher scooted over so the brunette and one of her friend sat next to him while the other sat on my side.

"Hello there ladies." Asher gleamed.

"Well hello." One of the friend greeted. Let's just call her bimbo number two.

"Can I have three bottles of bear please and something sweet for the ladies." Asher waved at the bartender.

"So what are you three ladies doing here in a place like this?" Asher asked while I silently drank my own shot of whiskey and beer.

"Honestly," the brunette answered who will be now known as bimbo number 2. I could care less of their names. Did they even introduce themselves. If they did I must have missed it. "We are here to loose our virginity."

At that word the drink that was in my mouth was now all over bimbo number 2. Wow, just wow.  It's not every day you hear something like that.  And if I didn't have Bella I'm sure I would jump at the chance but now they sound like your everyday whore in the making.

"Very bold of you." I gave bimbo number 2 a napkin, "Sorry."

But instead of using the napkin, with her fingers she began to wipe before sucking on them seductively.

"How old are you three anyway." I asked.

"We all just turned 18."

"18? Are all of you are just now trying to get laid?" Asher seemed very intrigued. I hope he is not doing what he think he is going to do. Rule number one, never fuck a virgin. It is just too messy. But my rules seems meaningless as I had broken rule number two. Never date an employee. And rule number three which was never date someone who has a kid. I guess my rules are slowly breaking one by one.

"Try going to an all girls school for the past few years." One of them scoffed, I forgot who.

Suddenly bimbo number three's hand was on my thigh just gazing at me like she wanted to eat me.

Removing her hand off of me I just glared back at her. Shit! I may be drunk but I know not to get into a messy situation again. Last time this happened I had to go to trial because of a whore who claimed that I was the father of their unborn child. She tried to get what ever she says she deserves.

"Oh come on handsome, let's have some fun." The bimbo next to me climbed on top of me and began to suck my neck.

Sure it felt good and for a moment I had moaned and my dick now erect but it was only for a split second when I felt a nibble and pushed her off of me.

Holy fuck did she just give me a hickey!

"What the hell is your problem?" The bimbo number 3 yelled as I walked over her body before turning towards Asher.

"I'll see you next time."

With a nod I stumbled out of that club only to be met with another woman who is now making my life miserable, "Dylan." Throwing her body on me it was as if my hand knew where they missed, wrapped around her.

"Ivy." Her perfume engulfed my senses. It was a perfume I had grown fond of being married to her but now I require someone else's scent. "What are you doing here?"

"It's Barry, please help me." Her voice was lace with worry. "He is threatening me to have me abort my child."

"And why would he do that?" I pulled her away so I may see her reactions and the seem sincere I guess.

"Because he says a child will only hinder his business."

I know Barry can be many things and I have come head to head with him on numerous occasion but to actually abort a child especially his child seemed unbelievable.

Looking at my watch it was almost New Years, one hour till New Years, "Ivy." My voice now slurred as I gently push her aside trying to hoist myself up.

Fuck I'm definitely wasted and driving home seems out of the question.

Ignoring Ivy's screaming wails I hailed for an Uber. Once my ride was here, I slide in only for Ivy to slide right next to me, "What are you doing? Get out!"

"Please just for tonight, I don't want to be alone not since Barry..." She trailed off leaning into my chest sobbing.

"Kensington Church Street." I changed my location and told the Driver.

"Are we going to my home?"

"Yes we are going to your home." I replied leaning back.

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