"Are you hungry son?"
Even though I was completely swamp it made me smile to know Mr. Saunders was taking an interest in Jack.
He woke up hours ago and Mr. Saunders has been playing with him none stop. His office was hardly sound proof so I was able to hear what was going on.
And I could see Jack had trusted him even if he is Mr. Stuck up arrogant prick who was only born to make my life a living hell.
When I thought I would be almost done with the files he had placed on my desk he would give me ten more.
It was like never ending black hole none the less it kept me busy.
"Are you not hungry?"
Pausing at what I was doing, I raised my eyes to meet a very stern Mr. Saunders who was carrying a very playful Jack. How come he is all smiles when he comes to Jack but when he looks at me it's like he is Mr. Sour puss. Does my face irritate him or something.
My eyes stared at Jack who was petting his short scuff like you would do a cat.
"I'm almost done."
"Jack is hungry are you not going to feed him?" He cocked an eye brow at me.
And to think I thought he would offer to feed him for me. What was I thinking?
"Come here honey." Jack held his hand out to me while I grab the baby bag and set my desk with his food.
This morning I had packed some of the left over rotisserie chicken.
"We do have a lounge here." Mr. Saunders pointed.
"Thank you." Picking up my things I headed to the lounge only I was following Mr. Saunders.
"Here." All the employees were all ready eating as I was now the center of attention with Jack in my arms and Mr. Saunders pulling up a seat next to me.
Without a warning he took Jack out of my hands and grabbed the baby bag and prepared his meal for him.
I was stump. Hell the whole room was stump and had gotten quiet ever since Mr. Saunders and I stepped foot in this room.
Watching Mr. Saunders interracted my with my son had my heart melt. Seriously who wouldn't love a man who was great with kids and love them too if only he wasn't such an ass hole I'm sure he would make a great dad but then again he does have his sweet side.
"I know I am good looking but I'm not something you can eat." His voice caught me off guard, hell he caught me off guard. I didn't know I was staring.
Taking out my pack food as well I ate in silence.
Well tried to eat as I felt about sixteen pair of eyes on me.
Suddenly I had lost my appetite.
"I suggest you eat." He calmly ordered.
How could I eat when I am now self conscious.
"Hasn't anyone seen a person eat before." I glared at all the workers there who began to remove their eyes from me. Finally.
My head shifted to Mr. Saunders who seem to be chuckling in his own little world.
After lunch, Mr. Saunders had asked me to follow him in which I did to the next floor below us.
"I have set up a day care here in my building." He did what now.
Arriving at the floor and into one of the rooms I was met with a preppy blond, two in fact. "They are Cammy and Tammy." Twins.
"Hello." The two both greet in unison.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...