People make mistakes. And people lean from them. However I am not them. I admit I never make mistakes. I don't think I can remember the last time I have ever made a mistake until this.
"Dylan." I cringed when I was rudely interrupted by none other than April, my friends daughter. If anything this is the one mistake I regret.
When my good friend Bill had asked me to watch his daughter I wanted to refused. I could see how her daughter looks at me and only wish Bill would come to his senses but he was always blind to his daughter's wants and needs.
Unfortunately for me I couldn't refused. I had owed Bill for what he had did for me. In my time of need he had helped me get back on my feet. Him and Asher. After I had left Emilio and his business, my own business, Saunders Enterprise, was neglected by him and I wasn't able to pull it back up.
Thankfully Bill and Asher had helped me and for this, this one favor I would do for Bill. I just hope it doesn't cost me my Bella who of course reluctantly agreed. I know where she is coming from because if it was the other way around I wouldn't be so understanding in letting her invite a man to come stay with us.
Luckily I had Nelly offer April the far side of my home away from me, Bella, and Jack. This is the last time I invite someone else other than family to come stay with us. Especially one who is a complete stranger to Jack.
When Jack had saw her, he grew scared at the hug she had given him. Bella had to pry her away from Jack and I had to scold her not to do that again.
Jack didn't like strangers very much but remember the first time I met him, he took a liking to me, which I'm glad. And some of my staff here. They had treated Jack already as part of the family.
"What is it April?" I continue to type on my computer not even giving her a passing glance.
"I was wondering, it's lunch time. Want to have lunch with me right now? I packed food?" It has only been a week and she has been getting on my nerves. Always interrupting me especially when I'm with Bella.
Tearing my eyes off my computer screen to look at her, she looked hopeful. "Well um..."
"Please. You always say no. And yesterday you said you will take a rain check, well I'm cashing in."
Just then Bella came in carrying a Jack in her arms making me smiling. "Oh, you already have lunch." She notice the plate of lunch on my desk before turning around.
"Wait." She stop at the sound of my voice, "Sorry but I always have lunch with my family." I strained the word family a little to hard.
"But I made it just for you."
I sighed, "Bella come join us." I sort of felt pity for April. She does make me lunch and I always refuse it.
"But I only made enough for two people."
"Okay then." Standing up I made my way towards Bella and Jack.
"Dylan." April's voice whined, "What about the food?"
"Enjoy it yourself." I smiled at her before taking Jack from her arms, placing my hand on Bella's back and escorting her out.
At the end I could almost here her cursed before running up to us, "Can I join you then?"
"Don't you have food?" Bella softly said.
"Yes but it is lonely eating by myself."
"Perhaps if you made friends down at the cafe." Bella added.

Romance"And do you think lying to me again would make me stay." I was taken back by her question. "Lying to you? When did I ever..." "Cut the crap Dylan, I saw you. That night in your office. I saw the marks..." Taking her hand I placed it against my chest...