New Years

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Fire works could be heard from across the city. The night sky had lit up with beautiful sparkling lights along with laughter and party noise making me loose concentration on my paper.

"Mummy play."  Jack held up his toys which had me smile.  Who needs to spend New Years when I can spend it with Jack.

Besides I could used this kind of distraction.

Picking up his toys we only played for ten minutes before a knock came pounding at my door.

At first I hesitated. What if it was Dylan but then the knocks seems timid not urgent.

Slowly opening the door I smiled before jumping into his arms.  "Ethan what are you doing here?"  He wrapped his arm around me and I must admit I miss his warmth.

He was my college classmate who help me once in a while watch Jack but since my online classes I didn't see much of him.

"Are you here to see me?"

Setting me down he smiled, "Nope, I'm here to see the little man."

Stepping aside Jack saw his other favorite person, "Eaten."  It's funny how he says Ethan's name.  He doesn't mind that.

"Hey there bud, I got a surprise for you.  Call it your belated Christmas present."  Ethan pulled from his jacket a box to where we had watch Jack opened the box dump it's contents and ran away with the now empty box.

"Jack, that's not the gift.  Here."  Ethan picked up the foot ball and handed it to him.

"Isn't he young to play foot ball."

"None sense."  He puffed out his chest and spoke in his manly voice.  "It's never to early to teach him."

I smiled watching Jack play catch with Ethan.  "So what brings you here not that I'm not glad, I am but..."

"Well, its New Years Eve so what are you doing here by yourself?"

"I'm not by myself, I have Jack."

Ethan huffed, "There is a party down on campus and I want you to go with me?"

A party?  With my colleagues.  "But what about Jack?"

"You could bring him or we could have Mrs. Louis watch him only for a few hours."

"I can't.  I have..."

"Come one," he nudged me.  "You need to have some fun too."

I was tempted, boy was I tempted but I couldn't leave Jack.

As if reading my mind, "Isn't it Jack's bed time?  So after he sleeps what are you going to do till midnight."

He's got a point.  Jack sleeps at eight at night.  "Fine."

Ethan threw on the most wildest smile.

Getting Jack's things I knocked on Mrs. Louis door, "Hi Mrs. Louis, but I was wondering..."

"If I could watch Jack while you go and live a little."  She finishes with a smile.  See this is why I like her.  "Of course dear, Jack and I will have a blast."

"How did you know?" She must either have super hearing or she's a psychic.

"I could hear you two screaming.  This walls aren't exactly sound proof."

Kissing Jack on the face I left with Ethan in his car and not too long on the road we find ourselves at said party.

Everyone was either drinking, dancing or swimming with their noise makers and fireworks.

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