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Usually people dread going to work.  They sluggishly get up in the morning grumbling about how their bosses are dick heads or how their co-workers are stuck up.

Not me, I love my job.  And everything that comes with it. Even if my co-workers are stuck up.

"Good Morning Ms. Stone."  I looked up from my desk to see a smiling Dylan.

"Good morning Mr. Saunders."  I smiled back refraining myself from jumping on him.

My co-workers are still the same.  Never talked to me once just glowered and mostly gossip.  I don't give a damn.

People here have notice the changed in Dylan.  Like he no longer has any sexcapades in his office.  Mrs. Harper Walker doesn't visit him anymore not after Dylan yelled at her to get out.

A part of me felt sorry for Mrs. Harper Walker as she walked out of his office with her tail between her legs.

And as for my dad who I haven't heard from was officially cut off since this morning. If he is going to use my money, the money I had work hard for on his addictions well he's got another thing coming.

Lunch had come and gone, Dylan was still in his meeting that took up half his morning.

'Ring'  Picking up the office phone, "Hello this Dylan Saunders office, Isabella Speaking how may I help you."

The other end was silent, "Hello."  I asked louder this time.

"Is Mr. Saunders in today?"  A woman's voice muffled through the phone.

"I'm sorry Mr. Saunders is in a meeting and will be all afternoon may I take a message?"

Just like that the line went dead.  "Well that was rude."

Not a minute later the sound of clicking against the floor made its way to my desk.  "Bell."  I looked up to see Ivy all dressed up like she was going to some party.

"What are you doing here?"  I don't see any papers she's holding so she can't possible be giving her report again.

"I came here to see Dylan. I have a doctor's appointment."  She looked at me smugly, "I do hope he didn't forget."

"I'm sorry but Mr. Saunders didn't tell me about a doctors appointment.  Would you like me to relay a message."

"Why yes, tell him to meet me at my OBGYN to hear the heart beat."

"Heart beat?"  I repeated.

"Oh did he not tell you?  Well he wanted it to be a surprise when we tells the good news."

I hate it when people beat around the bush.  "What is it that you want from him?"

"Not me but us."  She rubbed her stomach protectively.  "After all I am carrying his baby."

What did she say?  She's pregnant and with his child too.  "How far along are you?"  I gulped not wanting to know the answer.  "About ten weeks."

I relaxed a bit, "But it was not too long ago where know the night of the Christmas Party."  I couldn't even bare to say the words.

"You honestly think it was Just one night?  You must be naive to think that.  It all started the day we met at New York.  Why do you think he didn't show up to you when he was suppose to."

"Well congrats then."  I faked on a smile.

"You don't believe me, we were married, I was his first love.  I am carrying his child.  What do you think would happened to you and your son knowing your child is not even  his.  He would throw you on the curb and come to me, that's what he would do."

"Is that why he asked me to move in with him."  I challenge.

Jealousy is what I saw in her eyes before she had masked it away, "Oh really ask him where he went that day.  When he was spending Christmas with you, ask him who he was with that day.  Silly girl, he was with me.  Did he tell you? Of course not why would he."  She scoffed.

Could I slap a pregnant lady.  But Dylan told me nothing had happened in New York.  "Oh I see still don't believe me. Why don't you just ask him, how he enjoyed my blow job on him."  She whispered before turning a 180 degree, "Why do you think he gave me a job at his company?"

I had no words for what she said. Could this be true? Him the father of Ivy's child. "And the room he had set up for us at his home was wonderful." She pursed her lips.

"But that room is for Jack?"

"Honestly that's not what he told me?"

"And what exactly did he tell you?" I was now standing face to face with her.

"That he had pity you. After all to have a drunkard father who cares less about his family is somewhat of a pity."

Shock, shock because she knows. "He told you that?"

"Oh honey, we don't keep secrets from each other." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Among other things." Her eyes then travel down to my necklace, "Cute necklace. Did he give you that and the earrings too." She smirked, "I bet he told you it comes in a set."

"How did you know?"

"I hope you do like hand me downs after all that necklace and earrings once belonged to me."

My eyes were now watering. I didn't know what to make of it.

"Well I best be going now, and tell him I'll be waiting at the doctors."  With a skipped I watch her walk away.

I spoke no words, I was more shock than anything.  Is what she said true? 

"Hey Bell."  Just then Macy came up to me looking pity.  Was she greeting me?  It's been a long time since she has greeted me. "I heard what Ivy Just said and I'm sorry."

"After months of actually saying hi you say sorry.  I don't need your pity."  Macy only looked at me before heading back to her station.

I don't know what to make of it.  I don't know what to do.  I thought Dylan and I could finally be together but then there is Ivy.  She seemed so confident.  What if that child was his, of course it is his and who am I to stand in their way. 

I can see it in his eyes, the way he interacts with Jack.  He want's a family and to know he will get that with Ivy had my heart shatter because it won't be me.

Her child needs a dad and Dylan is a great dad.  He is not Jack's dad. 

"Hey Bella, sorry that meeting took forever, have you eaten, you and Jack?"

I raised my head to see a smile on his face.  A smile I have come to love, "Yes we have Mr. Saunders."

"Good, how bout I take you and Jack out for ice cream later on today."  

"Um..maybe some other time.  I have this paper coming up and I need it if I want to graduated."  Half true and half a lie but he didn't need to know that.

Right now I just needed space to process everything.  To make sense of it all.

But looking at him it's like he doesn't care, or doesn't know, or like any man oblivious to a woman's feelings.

"Mr. Saunders."  I called.


"You had a visitor."  I responded calmly.

"Oh and who?"

"Ivy."  At the sound of her name he looked disturb but at the same time like he was expecting it.

" she say anything?"  It was almost as if he knew something and he was hiding something from me.

Maybe what Ivy said was true.  And he didn't know how to tell me. 

I know in my heart, now I know I have to let him go.  He can be with his love.  Even if he says he doesn't love her anymore, he will learn to love her.  He did love her once maybe they could rekindle their love.

Shaking my head, "No, just that she wanted to see you." I played with the necklace he had given me.

Dylan nodded before entering his office while I began opening up word and the first word I type "Resignation Letter."

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