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Christmas is just around the corner.

Dylan and I have grown much closer, especially him and Jack.  It is like they are inseparable.

So I was amazed to find Dylan on a Saturday morning knocking at my door asking to take Jack out to the zoo without me.  Hey, I loved the zoo, I love animals.  But his reasoning is its a male bonding time, that means no woman allowed.

I didn't mind.  It gave me more time to focus on Christmas and time to myself.

For the first time I get to buy presents, actual presents.  To say I was happy was just more than that.

Half a year has pass since working for Dylan.  Half a year since I had last seen my dad.  And since Thanks Giving I have been looking for him none stop.  Dylan thought it was best since he is never around.  But he is still my dad.

He even been asking me and Jack to move in with him for this pass month. His excuse is that he misses Jack and wants him around all lot more. Though it sounds wonderful I am still waiting for my dad.  Dylan made it to a point where he will have someone come by from time to time just in case my dad turns up.  He doesn't believe he will show his face for whatever reason.

It does get lonely from time to time but I have Jack and Dylan says he is very lonely.  He even told me I have my own room as well as Jack which is decked out in toys.

As much as I wanted to take him on that offer I probably will.  Maybe during this Christmas time.  What a present to me right?

On the other note Ms. Ivy Stone, Dylan has sent her to work for fiance despite her tantrums.  Under my old boss Percy.  I didn't mind not seeing her however she finds excuses to come up to his floor and invites herself to lunch with us.

Sure I didn't mind at first but the subtle flirtations she was giving Dylan was overwhelming and in front of Jack too.  Dylan of course was oblivious to it.  Men.

It makes me sick just watching her and Dylan interact. And Dylan sure didn't seem to mind especially when Ivy pecks his lips accidentally or so she says and Dylan says it's just a habit from when they were married. That and he didn't want to push her off creating a scene not that I asked.

Rumors lately has been flying around like bees.  And it hasn't gotten any better mostly about me.  Rumors such as I am a gold digger or I am a prostitute.  It didn't help that those rumors came from my co-workers who seem hell bent on getting rid of me because I bring bad luck to the company.

Dylan has reprimanded them so, so far they have stop but not those rumors.  He had reminded me to just let them talk and not to let it get to me. Sure he can say that when he comes out a saint.

Walking around the mall I stop by a jewelry section.  What to get a man who practically has every thing and can afford everything.  I'm not much of a shopper seeing I never had money to begin with but doesn't mean I won't shop.

"May I help you miss?"  The lady at the counter asked.

"Actually yes, in your opinion what do you get a man as a present?"

The lady looked at me and smiled, "And who is this man to you?"

"My boss."

"I see, well in that case I'd check out the men's watches."  She pulled out some beautiful watch.  "These watches are Omega."

My fingers trailed the band, "These are beautiful."  It was a nice silver watch perfect for Dylan.  "How much is this?"

Pulling out a calculator I watch her fingers punch in numbers, 'Five thousand and one hundred thirty eight."  Instantly my jaw drop.

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