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It has been a very long day.

I had called in days off from work because of one reason, Jack was sick and had a high temperature of one hundred and one degrees.

He had never had such a high temperature before which had me calling his pediatrician at two in the morning.

That morning, I had taken the bus to his doctor of which he explained that the flue has been going around lately.

Thank goodness it was just that. I don't think I would know what to do if it was something else.

After taking medicine from the doctor and picking up his medication his fever had slightly reduced.

And since I was out I thought I would do a little food shopping so taking the bus again with Jack we head to Walmart. All we need are some can foods. Jack doesn't eat that much and he likes simple things like sausages and eggs.

Strolling down the isle with Jack in the cart I filled up the cart with food that I could carry easily home in my back pack.

"Toy." Jack pointed to a set of toys with a happy smile. It has been a while since I had bought him a toy.

Heading towards the toy I watch him pick up a box that seemed way to over price if you ask me.

"Mummy." He held the toy out for me.

"Do you like it Jack?" Nodding his head he showed what little teeth he had.

Taking the toy from his hand my eyes widen as I read the price $22.99. Why do they make toys so expensive when they will only be used a few times before kids move on to the next.

"Oh I'm sorry honey but why don't we buy something cheaper." Though Jack didn't know what I meant by, he still looked at me and nodded with tears brimming in his eyes.  

"Okay," I smiled before putting the toy into the cart. The one thing I always hated was his tears.

After grabbing some milk I head to the cashier register awaiting my turn.

Once I had put all my things on the conveyor belt I watch the cashier ring me up.

"That would be $46.28." Handing him my card I waited. $46.28, so expensive I thought.

"I'm sorry miss but your card has been declined." What!


"Do you have any other card you could used?"

Another card, I repeated in my head. "No, that's the only card I have." Checking my wallet I  was completely out of cash, all I had was two dollars.  Good thing I have a bus pass otherwise I wouldn't have a way home.

The cashier looked at me sadly. Goose bumps start to prickle my skin as the people in line looked at me with pity.

Fucking shit, how the hell was my card declined today.

With a heavy heart I had put my things back in the cart, "Um...silly me I must have forgotten to go to the bank and deposit my checks." I chuckled trying to save face. How embarrassing to have to put your things back just because you are low on funds.

"Toy." Jack smiled.

"Honey, wait for Christmas okay, mummy promises to buy you then."  He pouted but he never complained which broke my heart.  I wish I could give him all the things he wants.

Leaving the store trying to avoid the people because never in my life have I been so embarrassed.

Taking the bus I head to the bank. Thank goodness it was still open and there was no line.

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